
This command is used to construct a uniaxial Bouc-Wen smooth hysteretic material object. This material model is an extension of the original Bouc-Wen model that includes stiffness and strength degradation (Baber and Noori (1985)).

Model.uniaxial(“BoucWen”, name, alpha, ko, n, a, b, c)

alpha float ratio of post-yield stiffness to the initial elastic stiffenss (\(0< \alpha < 1\))
ko float initial elastic stiffness
n int parameter that controls transition from linear to nonlinear range (as n increases the transition becomes sharper; n is usually grater or equal to 1)
a [gamma,beta], parameters that control shape of hysteresis loop; depending on the values of γ and β softening, hardening or quasi-linearity can be simulated (look at the NOTES)
gamma float
beta float
b [Ao,deltaA], parameters that control tangent stiffness
Ao float
deltaA float
c [deltaNu,deltaEta], parameters that control material degradation
deltaNu float
deltaEta float


  1. Parameter \(\gamma\) is usually in the range from -1 to 1 and parameter \(\beta\) is usually in the range from 0 to 1. Depending on the values of \(\gamma\) and \(\beta\) softening, hardening or quasi-linearity can be simulated. The hysteresis loop will exhibit softening for the following cases:

    1. \(\beta + \gamma \gt 0\) and \(\beta - \gamma \gt 0\),
    2. \(\beta + \gamma \gt 0\) and \(\beta - \gamma \lt 0\), and
    3. \(\beta + \gamma \gt 0\) and \(\beta - \gamma = 0\).

    The hysteresis loop will exhibit hardening if \(\beta + \gamma \lt 0\) and \(\beta - \gamma \gt 0\), and quasi-linearity if $+ = 0 and \(\beta - \gamma \gt 0\).

  2. The material can only define stress-strain relationship.


Haukaas, T. and Der Kiureghian, A. (2003). “Finite element reliability and sensitivity methods for performance-based earthquake engineering.” REER report, PEER-2003/14 1.

Baber, T. T. and Noori, M. N. (1985). “Random vibration of degrading, pinching systems.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 111(8), 1010-1026.

Bouc, R. (1971). “Mathematical model for hysteresis.” Report to the Centre de Recherches Physiques, pp16-25, Marseille, France.

Wen, Y.-K. (1976). for random vibration of hysteretic systems.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics Division, 102(EM2), 249-263.