This command is used to construct a KrylovNewton algorithm object which uses a Krylov subspace accelerator to accelerate the convergence of the modified newton method. The command is of the following form:
-iterate $tangIter >
algorithm KrylovNewton < -increment $tangIncr > < -maxDim $maxDim > <
tangent to iterate on, options are current, initial, noTangent. default is current. |
tangent to increment on, options are current, initial, noTangent. default is current |
max number of iterations until the tangent is reformed and the acceleration restarts (default = 3). |
Scott, M.H. and G.L. Fenves. “A Krylov Subspace Accelerated Newton Algorithm: Application to Dynamic Progressive Collapse Simulation of Frames.” Journal of Structural Engineering, 136(5), May 2010. DOI
Code Developed by: Michael Scott, Oregon State University