
Wrappers, decorators and utilities for constructing expression templates.


def assemble(f)
def generator(dim: Union[int, Tuple[Tuple[int, int]]] = None, statevar: str = 'state', main: str = 'main', jacx: str = 'jacx', form: str = 'x,y,s=s,p=p,**e->x,y,s', params: str = 'params', dimvar: str = None, origin: tuple = None, order: int = 0, **kwargs) ‑> Callable

Decorator that wraps a basic local map generator.


origin: A structure containing arguments which may act as an ‘origin’ for the target function.

shape: tuple Description of the shape of the dual and primal spaces.

Generated Arguments

_expose_closure: bool
Expose closed-over local variables as an attribute.
_jit: bool
If True{.python}, JIT-compiles the target function


Structural dynamics (elle-0008)

def generator_no2()

def F(): name = “my-element” def main(x, y, state, **kwds, _name=name): pass

def get_unspecified_parameters(func, recurse=False)

created 2021-03-31

def serialize(f)

Requires JAX

def template(dim: Union[int, Tuple[Tuple[int, int]]] = None, statevar: str = 'state', main: str = 'main', jacx: str = 'jacx', form: str = 'x,y,s=s,p=p,**e->x,y,s', params: str = 'params', dimvar: str = None, origin: tuple = None, order: int = 0, **kwargs) ‑> Callable

Decorator that wraps a basic local map generator.


origin: A structure containing arguments which may act as an ‘origin’ for the target function.

shape: tuple Description of the shape of the dual and primal spaces.

Generated Arguments

_expose_closure: bool
Expose closed-over local variables as an attribute.
_jit: bool
If True{.python}, JIT-compiles the target function


Structural dynamics (elle-0008)

def wrap(f, *args, **kwds)

Wrap a pre-defined function to act as a local dual map.


class Dual