Stiffness Method - Beam

import ema as em
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg' # used to make plots look nicer
# Initialize model
dm = em.Model(2,3)
nodes = dm.nodes
n = dm.dnodes

# Define section properties
A = 1
Iab = 200000
Ic  = 300000
xs1 = dm.xsec('ab', A, Iab)
xs2 = dm.xsec('c', A, Ic)

xsecs = [xs1, xs1, xs2] 

# Define nodes
dm.node('1', 0.0, 0.0)
dm.node('2', 15., 0.0)
dm.node('3', 35., 0.0)
dm.node('4', 50., 0.0)

# Create beams
a, b, c = dm.girder(nodes, xsecs=xsecs)

# Establish fixities
dm.fix(n['1'], ['x','y'])
dm.fix(n['2'], ['y'])
dm.fix(n['3'], ['y'])
dm.fix(n['4'], ['y'])

# uncomment line below to automatically print FEDEASLab input script
# em.utilities.export.FEDEAS(dm)

dm.numDOF() # automatically number dofs and print them as list
[[8, 9, 1], [2, 10, 3], [4, 11, 5], [6, 12, 7]]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
em.plot_beam(dm, ax)

Part a) Distributed Loading

Determine displacements of the free dofs.

# set element loads
a.w['y'] = -10
b.w['y'] = -10
A = em.A_matrix(dm)
B = em.B_matrix(dm)
V0 = em.V_vector(A).o
Q0 = em.Q_vector(B).o
$a_1$ 0.000000
$a_2$ 187.500000
$a_3$ -187.500000
$b_1$ 0.000000
$b_2$ 333.333333
$b_3$ -333.333333
$c_1$ 0.000000
$c_2$ 0.000000
$c_3$ 0.000000
P0 = B.f@Q0
$1$ 187.500000
$2$ 0.000000
$3$ 145.833333
$4$ 0.000000
$5$ -333.333333
$6$ 0.000000
$7$ 0.000000
K = em.K_matrix(dm)
$U_{{1}}$ $U_{{2}}$ $U_{{3}}$ $U_{{4}}$ $U_{{5}}$ $U_{{6}}$ $U_{{7}}$
$P_{{1}}$ 53333.333333 0.000000 26666.666667 0.000000 0.0 0.000000 0.0
$P_{{2}}$ 0.000000 0.116667 0.000000 -0.050000 0.0 0.000000 0.0
$P_{{3}}$ 26666.666667 0.000000 93333.333333 0.000000 20000.0 0.000000 0.0
$P_{{4}}$ 0.000000 -0.050000 0.000000 0.116667 0.0 -0.066667 0.0
$P_{{5}}$ 0.000000 0.000000 20000.000000 0.000000 120000.0 0.000000 40000.0
$P_{{6}}$ 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -0.066667 0.0 0.066667 0.0
$P_{{7}}$ 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 40000.0 0.000000 80000.0
Uf = K.f.inv@(-P0)
$U_{{1}}$ -0.002734
$U_{{2}}$ 0.000000
$U_{{3}}$ -0.001562
$U_{{4}}$ 0.000000
$U_{{5}}$ 0.003646
$U_{{6}}$ 0.000000
$U_{{7}}$ -0.001823

Determine element basic forces

V = A.f@Uf
$a_1$ 0.000000
$a_2$ -0.002734
$a_3$ -0.001562
$b_1$ 0.000000
$b_2$ -0.001562
$b_3$ 0.003646
$c_1$ 0.000000
$c_2$ 0.003646
$c_3$ -0.001823
Q = K.s@ V+Q0
0 0.000000e+00
1 2.842171e-14
2 -3.437500e+02
3 0.000000e+00
4 3.437500e+02
5 -2.187500e+02
6 0.000000e+00
7 2.187500e+02
8 2.842171e-14

Part b) Thermal Loading

a.w['y'] = 0.0
b.w['y'] = 0.0
b.e0['2'] = -1e-3
b.e0['3'] =  1e-3
c.e0['2'] = -1e-3
c.e0['3'] =  1e-3
V0 = em.V_vector(A).o
$a_1$ 0.0000
$a_2$ 0.0000
$a_3$ 0.0000
$b_1$ 0.0000
$b_2$ 0.0100
$b_3$ -0.0100
$c_1$ 0.0000
$c_2$ 0.0075
$c_3$ -0.0075
Q0 = em.Q_vector(B).o
$a_1$ 0.0
$a_2$ 0.0
$a_3$ 0.0
$b_1$ 0.0
$b_2$ -200.0
$b_3$ 200.0
$c_1$ 0.0
$c_2$ -300.0
$c_3$ 300.0
$q_1$ $q_2$ $q_3$
$v_1$ 15.0 0.000000 0.000000
$v_2$ 0.0 0.000017 -0.000008
$v_3$ 0.0 -0.000008 0.000017