[clad]: https://github.com/vgvassilev/clad {citeprgm=vassilev2015clad}
Part I: Composition of Expressions
In [@frostig2018compiling], researchers from the Google Brain team begin their presentation of the revolutionary JAX project with a simple observation; machine learning workloads tend to consist largely of subroutines satisfying two simple properties:
- They are pure in the sense that their execution is free of side effects, and
- They are statically composed in the sense that they implement a computation which can be defined as a static data dependency on a graph of some set of primitive operations (This will be further explained).
The exploitation of these properties with techniques such as automatic differentiation and just-in-time compilation has become a central component of tools like TensorFlow, Matlab and PyTorch, which in the recent decade have been at the forefront of an “explosion” in the field of deep learning. The utility that these ground-breaking platforms provide is that they present researchers and developers with a high level platform for concisely staging mathematical computations with an intuitive “neural network” paradigm. By their structure, these resulting models admit analytic gradients which allows for the application of powerful optimization algorithms.
Algorithmic differentiation (AD) is a class of computational methods which leverage the chain rule in order to exactly evaluate1 the gradient of a mathematical computation which is implemented as a computer program. These methods are often further categorized into forward and reverse modes, the later of which further specializes to the backpropagation class of algorithms which has become ubiquitous in the field of machine learning. These methods generally leverage either (1) source code transformation techniques or (2) operator overloading so that such a gradient computation can be deduced entirely from the natural semantics of the programming language being used. Much of the early literature which explores applications of AD to fields like structural modeling [@ozaki1995higherorder; @martins2001connection] employ the first approach, where prior to compilation, an pre-processing step is performed on some source code which generates new code implementing the derivative of an operation. This approach is generally used with primitive languages like FORTRAN and C which lack built-in abstractions like operator overloading and was likely selected for these works because at the time, such languages were the standard in the field. Although these compile-time methods allow for powerful optimizations to be used, they can add significant complexity to a project. Languages like C++, Python and Matlab allow user-defined types to overload built-in primitive operators like +
and *
so that when they are applied to certain data types they invoke a user-specified procedure. These features allow for AD implementations which are entirely contained within a programming language’s standard ecosystem.
Building a Differentiable Model
There are several approaches which may be followed to arrive at the same formulation of forward mode automatic differentiation [@hoffmann2016hitchhiker]. A particularly elegant entry point for the purpose of illustration is that used by [@pearlmutter2007lazy] which begins by considering the algebra of dual numbers. These numbers are expressions of the form \(a + b\varepsilon\), \(a,b \quad \in \mathbb{R}\) for which addition and multiplication is like that of complex numbers, save that the symbol \(\varepsilon\) be defined to satisfy \(\varepsilon^2 = 0\).
Now consider an arbitrary analytic function \(f: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\), admitting the following Taylor series expansion:
\[ f(a+b \varepsilon)=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \frac{f^{(n)}(a) b^{n} \varepsilon^{n}}{n !} \qquad(1)\]
By truncating the series at \(n = 1\) and adhering to the operations defined over dual number arithmetic, one obtains the expression
\[ f(a + b \varepsilon) = f(a) + bf^\prime (a) \varepsilon, \qquad(2)\]
This result insinuates that by elevating such a function to perform on dual numbers, it has effectively been transformed into a new function which simultaneously evaluates both it’s original value, and it’s derivative \(f^\prime\).
For instance, consider the following pair of mappings:
\[ \begin{aligned} f: & \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R} \\ & x \mapsto (c - x) \end{aligned} \qquad(3)\]
\[ \begin{aligned} g: & \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R} \\ & x \mapsto a x + b f(x) \end{aligned} \qquad(4)\]
One can use the system of dual numbers to evaluate the gradient of \(g\) at some point \(x \in \mathbb{R}\), by evaluating \(g\) at the dual number \(x + \varepsilon\), where it is noted that the dual coefficient \(b = 1\) is in fact equal to the derivative of the dependent variable \(x\). This procedure may be thought of as propagating a differential \(\varepsilon\) throughout the computation.
\[ \begin{aligned} g(x + \varepsilon) & = a (x + \varepsilon) + b f(x + \varepsilon ) \\ & = a x + a \varepsilon + b ( c - x - \varepsilon) \\ & = (a - b) x + bc + (a - b) \varepsilon \end{aligned} \qquad(5)\]
The result of this expansion is a dual number whose real component is the value of \(g(x)\), and dual component, \(a-b\), equal to the gradient of \(g\) evaluated at \(x\).
Such a system lends itself well to implementation in programming languages where an object might be defined to transparently act as a scalar. For example, in C, one might create a simple data structure with fields real
and dual
that store the real component, \(a\) and dual component, \(b\) of such a number as show in lst. 1.
Listing 1: Basic dual number data type.
typedef struct dual {
float real, dual;
} dual_t;
Then, using the operator overloading capabilities of C++, the application of the *
operator can be overwritten as follows so that the property \(\varepsilon = 0\) is enforced, as show in lst. 2.
Listing 2: Implementation of dual-dual multiplilcation in C++
dual_t dual_t::operator * (dual_t a, dual_t b){
return (dual_t) {
.real = a.real * b.real,
.dual = a.real * b.dual + b.real * a.dual
Similar operations are defined for variations of the *
, +
, and -
operators in a single-file library in the appendix. With this complete arithmetic interface implemented, forward propagation may be performed simply with statements like that of lst. 3.
Listing 3: Dual number arithmetic in C++ through operator overloading.
int main(int argc, char **argv){
dual_t x(6.0,1.0);
dual_t dg = a * x + (c - x) * b;
Template Expressions
The simple dual_t
numeric type developed in the previous section allows both an expression, and its gradient to be evaluated simultaneously with only the minor penalty that each value stores an associated dual
value. However, if such a penalty was imposed on every value carried in a modeling framework, both memory and computation demands would scale very poorly. In order to eliminate this burden, the concept of a template expression is introduced. This is again illustrated using the C++ programming language in order to maintain transparency to the corresponding machine instructions, but as expanded in the following part, this technique becomes extremely powerful when implemented in a context where access to the template expression in a processed form, such as an abstract syntax tree, can be readily manipulated. Examples of this might be through a higher-level language offering introspective capabilities (e.g., Python or most notably Lisp), or should one be so brave, via compiler extensions (an option which is becoming increasingly viable with recent developments and investment in projects like LLVM [@lattner2004llvm]).
In lst. 4, the function \(g\) has been defined as a template on generic types TA
, TB
, TC
and TX
. In basic use cases, like that shown in lst. 4, a modern C++ compiler will deduce the types of the arguments passed in a call to G
so that dual operations will only be used when arguments of type dual_t
are passed. Furthermore, such an implementation will produce a derivative of G
with respect to whichever parameter is of type dual_t
. For example, in the assignment to variable dg
in lst. 4, a dual_t
value is created from variable x
within the call to G
, which automatically causes the compiler to create a function with signature dual_t (*)(dual_t, real_t, real_t, real_t)
which propagates derivatives in x
Listing 4: Forward propagation using template metaprogramming
template<typename TX,typename TB, typename TA, typename TC>
auto G(TX x, TB b, TA a, TC c){
printd(c - x);
printdreturn a * x + (c - x) *b;
int main(int argc, char **argv){
real_t a = 60.0, c=18.0, b=18.0;
real_t x = 6.0;
real_t g = G(x,b,a,c);
dual_t dg = G(dual_t(x,1),b,a,c);
In this minimal example, the set of operations for which we have explicitly defined corresponding dual operations constitute a set of primitive operations which may be composed arbitrarily in expressions which will implicitly propagate machine precision first derivatives. These compositions may include arbitrary use of control structures like while
/ for
loops, branching via if
statements, and by composition of such operations, numerical schemes involving indefinite iteration.
A thorough treatment of AD for iterative procedures such as the use of the Newton-Raphson method for solving nonlinear equations is presented by [@beck1994automatic], [@gilbert1992automatic] and [@griewank1993derivative]. Historic accounts of the development of AD can be found in [@iri2009automatic]. Such treatments generally begin with the work of Wengert (e.g. [@wengert1964simple], ). A more recent work, [@elliott2009beautiful] develops an elegant presentation and implementation of forward-mode AD in the context of purely functional programming.
Part II: The Finite Element Method
The finite element method has become the standard method for modeling PDEs in countless fields of research, and this is due in no small part to the natural modularity that arises in the equations it produces. Countless software applications and programming frameworks have been developed which manifest this modularity, each with a unique flavor.
A particularly powerful dialect of FE methods for problems in resilience is the composable approach developed through works like [@spacone1996fibre] where the classical beam element is generalized as a composition of arbitrary section models, which may in turn be comprised of several material models. Platforms like FEDEASLab and OpenSees are designed from the ground up to natively support such compositions [@mckenna2010nonlinear]. This study builds on this composable architecture by defining a single protocol for model components which can be used to nest or compose elements indefinitely.
In order to establish an analogous structure to that of ANNs which is sufficiently general to model geometric and material nonlinearities, we first assert that such a FE program will act as a mapping, \(\Phi: \Theta\times\mathcal{S}\times\mathcal{U}\rightarrow\mathcal{S}\times\mathcal{U}\), which walks a function, \(f: \Theta\times\mathcal{S}\times\mathcal{U}\rightarrow\mathcal{S}\times\mathcal{R}\) (e.g. by applying the Newton-Raphson method), until arriving at a solution, \((S^*,U^*)=\Phi(\Theta,S_0,U_0)\) such that \(f(\Theta,S_0,U^*) = (S^*, \mathbf{0})\) in the region of \(U_0\). In problems of mechanics, \(f\) may be thought of as a potential energy gradient or equilibrium statement, and the elements of \(\mathcal{U}\) typically represent a displacement vector, \(\mathcal{R}\) a normed force residual, \(\mathcal{S}\) a set of path-dependent state variables, and \(\Theta\) a set of parameters which an analyst may wish to optimize (e.g. the locations of nodes, member properties, parameters, etc.). The function \(f\) is composed from a set of \(i\) local functions \(g_i: \theta\times s\times u \rightarrow s\times r\) that model the response and dissipation of elements over regions of the domain, which in turn may be comprised of a substructure or material function, until ultimately resolving through elementary operations, \(h_j: \mathbb{R}^n\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^m\) (e.g. Vector products, trigonometric functions, etc.).
In a mathematical sense, for a given solution routine, all of the information that is required to specify a computation which evaluates \(\Phi\), and some gradient, \(D_\Theta \Phi\), of this model with respect to locally well behaved parameters \(\Theta\) is often defined entirely by the combination of (1) a set of element response functions \(g_i\), and (2) a graph-like data structure, indicating their connectivity (i.e., the static data dependency of [@frostig2018compiling]) . For such problems, within a well-structured framework, the procedures of deriving analytic gradient functions and handling low-level machine instructions can be lifted entirely from the analyst through abstraction, who should only be concerned with defining the trial functions, \(g_i\), and establishing their connectivity.
The anabel
An experimental library has been written in a combination of Python, C and C++ which provides functional abstractions that can be used to compose complex physical models. These abstractions isolate elements of a model which can be considered pure and statically composed (PSC), and provides an interface for their composition in a manner which allows for parameterized functions and gradients to be concisely composed. In this case, Python rarely serves as more than a configuration language, through which users simply annotate the entry and exit points of PSC operations. Once a complete operation is specified, it is compiled to a low-level representation which then may be executed entirely independent of the Python interpreter’s runtime.
Ideally such a library will be used to interface existing suites like FEDEASLab and OpenSees, but for the time being all experiments have been carried out with finite element models packaged under the elle
namespace. Of particular interest, as expanded on in the conclusion of this report, would be developing a wrapper around the standard element API of OpenSees to interface with XLA, the back-end used by the anabel
library. The anabel
package is available on PyPi.org and can be pip
installed, as explained in the online documentation.
Functions in the anabel
library operate on objects, or collections of objects, which implement an interface which can be represented as \((S^*,U^*)=\Phi(\Theta,S_0,U_0)\), and generally can be classified as pertaining to either (1) composition or (2) assembly related tasks. Composition operations involve those which create new objects from elementary objects in a manner analogous to mathematical composition. These operations include the [anabel.template] decorator for creating composable operations.
Assembly operations involve more conventional model-management utilities such as tracking and assigning DOFs, nodes and element properties. These are primarily handled by objects which subclass the anabel.Assembler through model building methods. These operations are generally required for the creation of OpenSees-styled models where, for example, a model may contain several types of frame elements, each configured using different section, material, and integration rules.
Two examples are presented which illustrate the composition of a physical model from a collection of PSC routines. In these examples, we consider a function, \(F: \mathbb{R}^9 \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^9\), that is the finite element model representation of the structure shown in fig. 1. For illustrative purposes, all model components are defined only by a single direct mapping, and properties such as stiffness matrices are implicitly extracted using forward mode AD. The example [@elle-0050] in the online documentation illustrates how components may define their own stiffness matrix operation, increasing model computational efficiency.
Columns measure \(30 \times 30\) inches and the girder is cast-in-place monolithically with a slab as show in fig. 2. The dimensions \(b_w\) and \(d - t_f\) are known with reasonable certainty to both measure \(18\) inches, but due to shear lag in the flange and imperfections in the finishing of the slab surface, the dimensions \(b_f\) and \(t_f\) are only known to linger in the vicinity of \(60\) inches and \(6\) inches, respectively. Reinforcement is neglected and gross section properties are used for all members. Concrete with a \(28\)-day compressive strength of \(f^\prime_c=4\) ksi is used, and the elastic modulus is taken at \(3600\).
We are equipped with the Python function in lst. 5 which contains in its closure a definition of the function beam
implementing a standard linear 2D beam as a map from a set of displacements, \(v\), to local forces \(q\).
Listing 5: Classical beam element implementation.
def beam2d_template(
= None,
q0: array float = None,
E: float = None,
A: float = None,
I: float = None
):def beam(v, q, state=None, E=E,A=A,I=I,L=L):
= E*I/L
C0 = 4.0*C0
C1 = 2.0*C0
C2 = anp.array([[E*A/L,0.0,0.0],[0.0,C1,C2],[0.0,C2,C1]])
k return v, k@v, state
return locals()
Reliability Analysis
Our first order of business is to quantify the uncertainty surrounding the dimensions \(t_f\) and \(b_f\). We seek to approximate the probability that a specified displacement, \(u_{max}\), will be exceeded assuming the dimensions \(t_f\) and \(b_f\) are distributed as given in tbl. 1 and a correlation coefficient of \(0.5\). This criteria is quantified by the limit state function eq. 6
\[ g(t_f, b_f) = u_{max} - \Phi(t_f, b_f) \qquad(6)\]
Variable | Marginal Distribution | Mean | Standard Deviation |
\(t_f\) | Lognormal | \(6\) | \(0.6\) |
\(b_f\) | Lognormal | \(60\) | \(6\) |
To this end, a first order reliability analysis (FORM) is carried out, whereby the limit state function \(g\) is approximated as a hyperplane tangent to the limit surface at the so-called design point, \(\mathbf{y}^{*}\), by first-order truncation of the Taylor-series expansion. This design point is the solution of the following constrained minimization problem in a standard normal space, which if found at a global extrema, ensures that the linearized limit-state function is that with the largest possible failure domain (in the transformed space):
\[\mathbf{y}^{*}=\operatorname{argmin}\{\|\mathbf{y}\| \quad | G(\mathbf{y})=0\}\qquad(7)\]
where the function \(G\) indicates the limit state function \(g\) when evaluated in the transformed space. This transformed space is constructed using a Nataf transformation. At this point we find ourselves in a quandary, as our limit state is defined in terms of parameters \(t_f\) and \(b_f\) which our beam model in lst. 5 does not accept. However, as luck would have it, our analysis of eq. 4 might be repurposed as an expression for the area of a T girder. lst. 6 illustrates how an expression for A
may be defined in terms of parameters tf
and bf
, and the instantiation of a beam_template
instance which is composed of this expressions (The variable I
is defined similarly. This has been omitted from the listing for brevity but the complete model definition is included as an appendix). In this study, the anabel.backend
module, an interface to the JAX numpy API, will take on the role of our minimal C++ forward propagation library with additional support for arbitrary-order differentiation and linear algebraic primitives.
Listing 6: Expression composition using `anabel`
import anabel
= anabel.SkeletalModel(ndm=2, ndf=3)
= 18, 18
bw, tw = model.param("tf","bf")
tf, bf # define an expression for the area
= lambda tf, bf: bf*tf + bw*tw
area # create a model parameter from this expression
= model.expr(area, tf, bf)
...# instantiate a `beam` in terms of this expression
= beam_template(A=A, I=I, E=3600.0) girder
Once the remainder of the model has been defined, the compose
method of the anabel.SkeletalModel
class is used to build a function F
which takes the model parameters tf
and bf
, and returns the model’s displacement vector. A function which computes the gradient of the function F
can be generated using the automatic differentiation API of the JAX library. This includes options for both forward and reverse mode AD. Now equipped with a response and gradient function, the limit state function can easily be defined for the FORM analysis. The FORM analysis is carried out using the self-implemented library aleatoire
, also available on PyPi.org. The results of the reliability analysis are displayed in fig. 3, where the probability of exceeding a lateral displacement of \(u_{max} = 0.2 \text{inches}\) is approximately \(3.6\%\).
Cyclic Analysis
In the final leg of our journey, the basic beam element in lst. 5 is replaced with that in lst. 7. This template accepts a sequence of functions \(s: \mathbb{R}^2 \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^2\) representing cross sectional response. The function _B
in the closure of this template is used to interpolate these section models according to an imposed curvature distribution. Additionally, each function \(s_i\) is composed of material fiber elements which are integrated over the cross section as depicted in fig. 4.
Listing 7: Expression template for fiber frame element.
def fiber_template(*sections, L=None, quad=None):
= [s.origin[2] for s in sections]
state = {...: [anon.dual.get_unspecified_parameters(s) for s in sections]}
params = quad_points(**quad)
locs, weights def _B(xi,L):
= L/2.0*(1.0+xi)
x return anp.array([[1/L,0.,0.], [0.0, (6*x/L-4)/L, (6*x/L-2)/L]])
def main(v, q=None,state=state,L=L,params=params):
= [_B(xi,L) for xi in locs]
B = [s(b@v, None, state=state[i], **params[...][i])
S for i,(b,s) in enumerate(zip(B, sections))]
= sum(L/2.0*w*b.T@s[1] for b,w,s in zip(B,weights,S))
q = [s[2] for s in S]
state return v, q, state
return locals()
The results of a simple cyclic load history analysis are depicted in fig. 5.
An approach to finite element modeling was presented in which models are composed from trees of expressions which map between well-defined sets of inputs to outputs in a completely stateless manner. It was shown that this statelessness admits arbitrary compositions while maintaining mathematical properties/guarantees. These guarantees may be exploited through JIT compilation to extract unexpected performance from otherwise inherently slow programming languages/environments.
Forward-mode AD Library for C++
Example Using Forward-mode AD in C++
Simple Portal Frame Composition
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Within machine precision↩︎