
# Message

#include <actor/message/Message.h>

class Message

Messages are objects that can be sent between Channels. They are provided to allow data of arbitrary length and type, e.g. structs, to be sent between processes running on similar machine architectures. WARNING Sending Messages between machines with different architectures can result in erroniuos data being received. Each Message object keeps a pointer to the data it represents and an integer outlining the data size. There is no copy of the data kept by the Message.

// Constructors

// Destructor

// Public Member Functions

To construct an empty message.

To construct a message for sending/receiving an array containing num doubles.

To construct a message for sending/receiving an array containing num ints.

To construct a message for sending/receiving a string of num characters or a struct.

Does nothing.

A method which will put the data given by the character pointer theData of size endLoc -startLoc into the data array pointed to by the Message starting at location \(startLoc\) in this array. Returns \(0\) if successful; an error message is printed and a \(-1\) is returned if not. The routine bcopy() is used to copy the data.

virtual const char \*getData(void);

A method which returns a const char * pointer to the messages data.

virtual int getSize(void);

A method to get the size of the array. The unit of size is that of a character.

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