
#include <analysis/dof_grp/DOF_Group.h>

class DOF_Group;

DOF_Group is a base class. An object of type DOF_Group represents an unconstrained node of the domain in the model. Each node in the domain is associated with one DOF_Group. DOF_Groups are called upon in the analysis to provide their contributions of unbalanced load to the system of equations. Subclasses are used by the constraint handler to to introduce new dofs into the analysis.

The DOF_Group is responsible for providing operations to set and access the mapping betwwen equation numbers and DOFs, allowing the Integrator to from the tangent (if nodal masses in transient problem) and unbalanced load information, and for setting and obtaining the nodal trial response quantities.

// Constructors

// Destructor

// Public Methods - Mapping

// Public Methods - Tangent & Residual

// Public Methods - Node Response

Constructs a DOF_Group with an associated node given by theNode and a tag given by tag. During construction it determines the number of unknown dofs from the node, numDOF, and creates an Vector object to hold the unbalance information and an ID object to hold mapping between degrees-of-freedom and equation numbers. All values of the ID are set to \(-2\) initially. It creates a Vector to hold the unbalance loads and an ID to hold the mapping information, both of size equal to the number of unknowns. If the size of the Vector or the ID is \(0\), i.e. ran out of memory, a warning message is orinted and numDOF set to \(0\).

DOF_Group(int tag, int numDOF);

Provided for subclasses. Constructs a DOF_Group with the number of unknown dofs given by numDOF and a tag given by tag. No Node is associated with this DOF_Group. Creates a Vector of size numDOF to hold the unbalance information and an ID object to hold mapping between degrees-of-freedom and equation numbers. All values of the ID are set to \(-2\) initially. If the size of the Vector or the ID is \(0\), i.e. ran out of memory, a warning message is orinted and numDOF set to \(0\).

Invokes the destructor on the Vector created to hold the unbalance.

Operation to set the equation number of the dof’th DOF in the DOF_Group to value. In this base class, if index is a valid location, \(0 < index < numDOF-1\) the operator (index) = value is invoked on the ID object created for the mapping, otherwise an error message is printed.

virtual void setID(const ID &values);

An operation to set the equation numbers of all the DOFs in the DOF_Group to be those given in the ID values. In this base class, the operator = values is invoked on the ID object created for the mapping.

virtual const ID &getID(void) const;

A const member function which returns in an ID object the equation numbers associated with the degrees-of-freedom in the DOF_Group. The size of the ID object is equal to the number of degrees-of-freedom represented by the DOF_Group. This base class returns the ID created for the mapping.

virtual int getTag(void) const;

A const member function which returns the integer identifier tag passed in the constructor.

virtual int getNumDOF(void) const;

Returns the total number of DOFs in the DOF_Group. This base class returns numDOF.

virtual int getNumFreeDOF(void) const;

Returns the total number of free DOFs in the DOF_Group, i.e. number of dof in the group who have not been assigned a negative equation number. Determines this by looping through the ID containing the mapping information.

virtual int getNumConstrainedDOF(void) const;

Returns the total number of constrained DOFs in the DOF_Group, i.e. number of dof in the group who have been assigned a negative equation number. Determines this by looping through the ID containing the mapping information.

Returns the current tangent matrix for the DOF_Group. If no tangent matrix has been created, one of size(numDOF,numDOF) is constructed. If not enough space is available for a new tangent matrix, an error message is printed and an error Matrix is returned..

To form the DOF_Groups tangent. Invokes formNodTangent(this) on The Integrator object theIntegrator.

To zero the tangent. If a tangent matrix has been allocated, will invoke Zero() on the tangent matrix.

To add fact times the nodal mass matrix to the tangent matrix. In this base class, if a Matrix to store the tangent has not yet been created, one of size (numDOF,numDOF) is now created; if construction of this matrix fails an error is printed and an error Matrix is returned. Invokes addMatrix(theNode-$>$getMass,fact) on the Matrix, printing a warining message if this method returns a \(negative\) value. If no Node is associated with the DOF_Group an error message is printed and nothing is done.

To zero the unbalance vector. Invokes Zero() on the vector object used to store the unbalance information. virtual void formUnbalance(Integrator *theIntegrator);
Causes the DOF_Group to form its contribution to the residual. Invokes formNodUnbalance(this) on theIntegrator. virtual const Vector &getUnbalance() const;
Returns the vector holding the unbalance.

virtual void addPtoUnbalance(double fact = 1.0);

Adds the product of the unbalanced load at the node and fact to the unbalance vector. A warning message is printed and nothing is done if no node is associated with the DOF_Group, otherwise addVector(theNode-\(>\)getUnbalancedLoad(),fact) is invoked on the unbalance vector and a warning message is printed if this method returns a negative value.

virtual void addMtoTang(const Vector &$\ddot u$, double fact);

Adds fact times the product of the associated nodes mass matrix and the Vector \(\ddot u\) to the unbalance vector. A warning message is printed and nothing is done if no node is associated with the DOF_Group.

To return the committed displacement at the node. Returns the result of invoking getDisp() on the Node. If there is no associated node object, an error message is printed and an error Vector is returned.

To return the committed velocity at the node. Returns the result of invoking getVel() on the Node. If there is no associated node object, an error message is printed and an error Vector is returned.

To return the committed velocity at the node. Returns result of invoking getAccel() on the Node. If there is no associated node object, an error message is printed and an error Vector is returned.

This operation sets the value of the nodal trial displacement at the associated node. The vector u is of size equal to the number of equations in the AnalysisModel (this is not checked by the DOF_Group). The DOF_Group object accesses the contents of the Vector u using its assigned equation numbers. If a \(-1\) exists for a DOF a \(0\) value is set as the corresponding nodal displacement for the node. Creates a Vector to store the correct components of u, then invokes setTrialDisp() on the node object; if no node object an error message is printed. CURRENTLY THERE IS NO CHECK TO SEE IF myID(i) DOES NOT OVERFLOW ADMISSIBLE VALUES IN U - THIS NEEDS TO CHANGE

virtual int setNodeVel(const Vector &$u^{.}$);

This operation sets the value of the nodal trial velocity at the associated node. The vector \(u^{.}\) is of size equal to the number of equations in the AnalysisModel (this is not checked by the DOF_Group). The DOF_Group object accesses the contents of the Vector \(u^{.}\) using its assigned equation numbers. If a \(-1\) exists for a DOF a \(0\) value is set as the corresponding nodal velocity for the node. Creates a Vector to store the correct components of u, then invokes setTrialVel() on the node object; if no node object an error message is printed. MUST CHANGE AS setNodeDisp

virtual int setNodeAccel(const Vector &$u^{..}$);

This operation sets the value of the nodal trial acceleration at the associated node. The vector \(u^{..}\) is of size equal to the number of equations in the AnalysisModel (this is not checked by the DOF_Group). The DOF_Group object accesses the contents of the Vector \(u^{..}\) using its assigned equation numbers. If a \(-1\) exists for a DOF a \(0\) value is set as the corresponding nodal acceleration for the node. The return value is as outlined above for setNodeAccel(). Creates a Vector to store the correct components of u, then invokes setTrialAccel() on the node object; if no node object an error message is printed. MUST CHANGE AS setNodeDisp

These methods are similar to those three just outlined, the only difference being that the trial response quantities at the nodes are incremented, not set, with the values now given; this is done by invoking incrTrialDisp(), incrTrialVel(), and incrTrialAccel() respectively on the nodes. MUST ALL CHANGE AS setNodeDisp

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