FE Element

#include <analysis/fe_ele/FE_Element.h>

class FE_Element;

FE_Element is a base class, subtypes of which are used to enforce the constraints on the domain. An object of type FE_Element represents an element of the domain in the analysis. It enforces no constraints other than single point homogeneous boundary conditions, imposed on any of the elements nodes. It provides a similar interface to that of an Element but modified to provide features useful to an Analysis class. The FE_Element is responsible for:

  1. Holding information about the mapping between equation numbers and the degrees-of-freedom at the element ends, this mapping is determined from the DOF_Group objects associated with the elements Node objects.

  2. Providing methods to allow the integrator to combine the elements stiffness, mass and damping matrices into the elements contribution to the structure tangent matrix and the elements resisting force to the structure unbalance. Obtaining the stiffness, damping and mass matrices from the elements.

  3. Providing methods so other forces can be determined.

While the FE_Element class is associated with an element in the domain, subclasses do not have to be. It is the subclasses that are used to implement the constraints imposed on the nodal displacements in the domain.

// Constructors

// Destructor

// Public Methods - Mapping

// Public Methods to form and obtain Tangent & Residual

// Public Methods to allow Integrator to Build Tangent

// Public Methods to allow Integrator to Build Residual

// Public Methods to allow Element-by-Element strategies

// Public Methods added for Domain Decomposition

Constructs an empty FE_Element with an associated element given by theElement. During construction it determines the number of unknown dofs from the element. Constructs an ID for the mapping between dof’s of the element and equation numbers in the system of equation and an ID to hold the tag of the DOF_Group objects associated with each Node of the element. If the result of invoking theElementPtr->isSubdomain() is true invokes setFE_Element(this) on the Subdomain; if false creates a Matrix for the tangent and a Vector for the residual to be stored. An error message is printed and the program is terminated if no Domain object is associated with the Element, a Node of the Element does not exist in the Domain, each Node has not yet been associated with a DOF_Group object, or there is not enough memory for the Vectors and Matrices required.

FE_Element(int numDOFGroup, int numDOF);

Provided for subclasses. Constructs an empty FE_Element with the number of unknown dofs given by numDOF and the number of associated DOF_Group objects given by numDOFGroup, two empty IDs are constructed to hold the mapping and the tags of the DOF_Groups. The subclass must fill in the ID for the tags of the DOF_Groups in order that setID() will work. No element is associated with this FE_Element. No space is allocated for the tangent and residual matrix and vector, this is the responsibility of the subclass.


Deletes the IDs, Vectors and Matrices created by the constructor.

Returns a const ID containing the unique tag number of the DOF_Group objects associated with that FE_Element. For this base class, these are obtained from the DOF_Groups associated with the Node objects that are associated with the Element object passed in the constructor. This ID is computed only once, during the creation of the object.

virtual const ID &getID(void) const;

Returns a const ID containing the equation numbers associated with its matrices and vectors. This ID will contain \(0\)’s unless the setID() method has been called.

void setAnalysisModel(AnalysisModel &theModel);

To set a link to the AnalysisModel in which the FE_element resides; this link is needed in setID(). Is invoked by the AnalysisModel when the FE_element is added to the AnalysisModel.

virtual void setID(void);

Causes the FE_Element to determine the mapping between it’s equation numbers and the degrees-of-freedom. The \(i-1\) component of the ID contains the equation number that is associated with \(i\)’th degree-of-freedom (a consequence of C indexing for IDs). The method is to be invoked by the DOF_Numberer after the DOF_Groups have been assigned their equation numbers. The base class uses the ID containing the tags of the DOF_Group objects to determine this by looping over the DOF_Group objects (identified in the DOF_Group ID and obtained from the AnalysisModel) and getting their mapping by invoking getID(). Returns \(0\) if successful, a warning message and a negative number is returned if an error occurs: \(-1\) returned if no AnalysisModel link has been set, \(-2\) if a DOF_Group object does not exist in the AnalysisModel and a \(-3\) if there are more dof’s in the DOF_Groups than dof’s identified for the FE_Element.

Causes the FE_Element to determine it’s contribution to the tangent matrix and to return this matrix. If the Element is a Subdomain it invokes computeTangent() and getTang() on the Subdomain. Otherwise formEleTangent(this) is invoked on theIntegrator and the new tangent matrix is returned. Subclasses must provide their own implementation. If no Element is passed in the constructor, a warning message is printed and an error Matrix of size 1X1 is returned.

Causes the FE_Element to determine it’s contribution to the residual vector and to return this vector. If the Element is a Subdomain it invokes computeResidual() and getResistingForce() on the Subdomain. Otherwise formEleResidual(this) is invoked on theIntegrator and the resuting residual vector is returned. Subclasses must provide their own implementation. If no Element is passed in the constructor, a warning message and an error vector is returned.

Zeros the tangent matrix. If the Element is not a Subdomain invokes Zero() on the tangent matrix. Subclasses must provide their own implementation. Nothing is done and a warning message is printed if no Element was passed in the constructor or the Element passed was a Subdomain. virtual void addKtToTang(double fact = 1.0);
Adds the product of fact times the element’s tangent stiffness matrix to the tangent. If no element is associated with the FE_Element nothing is added, if the element is not a Subdomain addMatrix(theEle-\(>\)getTangentStiff(),fact is invoked on the tangent matrix. Nothing is done and a warning message is printed if no Element was passed in the constructor or the Element passed was a Subdomain. virtual void addKsToTang(double fact = 1.0);
Adds the product of fact times the element’s secant stiffness matrix to the tangent. If no element is associated with the FE_Element nothing is added, if the element is not a Subdomain addMatrix(theEle-\(>\)getSecantStiff(),fact is invoked on the tangent matrix. Nothing is done and a warning message is printed if no Element was passed in the constructor or the Element passed was a Subdomain. virtual void addCtoTang(double fact = 1.0);
Adds the product of fact times the element’s damping matrix to the tangent. If no element is associated with the FE_Element nothing is added, if the element is not a Subdomain addMatrix(theEle-\(>\)getDamp(),fact is invoked on the tangent matrix. Nothing is done and a warning message is printed if no Element was passed in the constructor or the Element passed was a Subdomain. virtual void addMtoTang(double fact = 1.0);
Adds the product of fact times the element’s mass matrix to the tangent. If no element is associated with the FE_Element nothing is added, if the element is not a Subdomain addMatrix(theEle-\(>\)getMass(),fact is invoked on the tangent matrix. Nothing is done and a warning message is printed if no Element was passed in the constructor or the Element passed was a Subdomain.

Zeros the residual vector. If the Element is not a Subdomain invokes Zero() on the residual vector. Subclasses must provide their own implementation. Nothing is done and a warning message is printed if no Element was passed in the constructor or the Element passed was a Subdomain. virtual void addRtoResidual(double fact = 1.0);
Adds to the residual vector the product of the elements residual load vector and fact. If no element is associated with the FE_Element nothing is added, if the associated element is not a Subdomain addVector(myEle-\(>\)getResistingForce(),fact) is invoked on the residual. Nothing is done and a warning message is printed if no Element was passed in the constructor or the Element passed was a Subdomain. virtual void addRIncInertiaToResidual(double fact = 1.0);
Adds to the residual vector the product of the elements residual load vector with inertia forces included and fact. If no element is associated with the FE_Element nothing is added, if the associated element is not a Subdomain addVector(myEle-\(>\)getResistingForceIncInertia(),fact) is invoked on the residual. Nothing is done and a warning message is printed if no Element was passed in the constructor or the Element passed was a Subdomain. virtual void addKtForce(const Vector &disp, double fact = 1.0);
Adds to the residual the product of elements current tangent stiffness matrix and a Vector whose values are obtained by taking the product of fact and those elements of the Vector disp associated with the FE_Elements equation numbers. If no element is associated with the FE_Element or the Element is a Subdomain nothing is added and an warning message is printed. An error message is also printed if invoking addMatrixVector() on the residual vector returns \(< 0\). virtual void addKsForce(const Vector &disp, double fact = 1.0);
Adds to the residual the product of elements current tangent stiffness matrix and a Vector whose values are obtained by taking the product of fact and those elements of the Vector disp associated with the FE_Elements equation numbers. If no element is associated with the FE_Element or the Element is a Subdomain nothing is added and an warning message is printed. An error message is also printed if invoking addMatrixVector() on the residual vector returns \(< 0\). virtual void addD_Force(const Vector &vel, double fcat = 1.0);
Adds to the residual the product of elements current damping matrix and a Vector whose values are obtained by taking the product of fact and those elements of the Vector vel associated with the FE_Elements equation numbers. If no element is associated with the FE_Element or the Element is a Subdomain nothing is added and an warning message is printed. An error message is also printed if invoking addMatrixVector() on the residual vector returns \(< 0\). virtual void addM_Force(const Vector &accel, double fact = 1.0);
Adds to the residual the product of elements current mass matrix and a Vector whose values are obtained by taking the product of fact and those elements of the Vector accel associated with the FE_Elements equation numbers. If no element is associated with the FE_Element or the Element is a Subdomain nothing is added and an warning message is printed. An error message is also printed if invoking addMatrixVector() on the residual vector returns \(< 0\). virtual const Vector &getTangForce(const Vector &disp, double fact = 1.0);
Returns the product of FE_Elements current tangent matrix and a Vector whose values are obtained by taking the product of fact and those elements of the Vector disp associated with the FE_Elements equation numbers. If the element associated with the FE_Element is a subdomain, the tangent is obtained by invoking getTang() on the subdomain, otherwise the tangent is formed by invoking formEleTang(this) on the integrator object last used in a getTangent() or getResidual(). If no element is associated with the FE_Element a zero vector is returned and an error message is printed. An error message is also printed if invoking addMatrixVector() on the force vector returns \(< 0\). virtual const Vector &getKtForce(const Vector &disp, double fact = 1.0);
Returns the product of elements current tangent stiffness matrix and a Vector whose values are obtained by taking the product of fact and those elements of the Vector disp associated with the FE_Elements equation numbers. If no element is associated with the FE_Element or the associated element is a Subdomain an error vector is returned and a warning message printed. virtual const Vector &getKsForce(const Vector &disp, double fact = 1.0);
Returns the product of elements current secant stiffness matrix and a Vector whose values are obtained by taking the product of fact and those elements of the Vector disp associated with the FE_Elements equation numbers. If no element is associated with the FE_Element or the associated element is a Subdomain an error vector is returned and a warning message printed.

virtual const Vector &getD_Force(const Vector &vel, double fact = 1.0);

Returns the product of elements current damping matrix and a Vector whose values are obtained by taking the product of fact and those elements of the Vector vel associated with the FE_Elements equation numbers. If no element is associated with the FE_Element or the associated element is a Subdomain a warning message is printed and an error Vector is returned.

virtual const Vector &getM_Force(const Vector &accel, double fcat = 1.0);

Returns the product of elements current mass matrix and a Vector whose values are obtained by taking the product of fact and those elements of the Vector accel associated with the FE_Elements equation numbers. If no element is associated with the FE_Element or the associated element is a Subdomain a warning message is printed and an error Vector is returned.

Integrator *getLastIntegrator(void);

Method which returns the last integrator supplied in a formTangent() or a formResidual() invocation.

const Vector &getLastResponse(void);

A method which invokes getLastResponse() on the Integrator object that was last passed as an argument to any of the routines. The FE_Elements ID and the force Vector object is passed as arguments. Returns the force Vector object if successful. If no element is associated with the FE_Element or no integrator has yet to be passed, a warning message is printed and an error Vector is returned.

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