LagrangeMP FE

# LagrangeMP_FE

#include <analysis/fe_ele/lagrange/LagrangeMP_FE.h>

class LagrangeMP_FE: public FE_Element ;


LagrangeMP_FE is a subclass of FE_Element used to enforce a multi point constraint, of the form \(\U_c = \C_{cr} \U_r\), where \(\U_c\) are the constrained degrees-of-freedom at the constrained node, \(\U_r\) are the retained degrees-of-freedom at the retained node and \(\C_{cr}\) a matrix defining the relationship between these degrees-of-freedom.

To enforce the constraint the following are added to the tangent and the residual: \[\left[ \begin{array}{cc} 0 & \alpha\C^t \\ \alpha\C & 0 \end{array} \right] , \left\{ \begin{array}{c} 0 \\ 0 \end{array} \right\}\] at the locations corresponding to the constrained degree-of-freedoms specified by the MP_Constraint, i.e. \([\U_c\) \(\U_r]\), and the lagrange multiplier degrees-of-freedom introduced by the LagrangeConstraintHandler for this constraint, \(\C = [-\I\) \(\C_{cr}]\). Nothing is added to the residual.

// Constructor

// Destructor

// Public Methods

To construct a LagrangeMP_FE element to enforce the constraint specified by the MP_Constraint theMP using a default value for \(\alpha\) of \(alpha\). The FE_Element class constructor is called with the integers \(3\) and the two times the size of the retainedID plus the size of the constrainedID at the MP_Constraint theMP plus . A Matrix and a Vector object are created for adding the contributions to the tangent and the residual. The residual is zeroed. If the MP_Constraint is not time varying, then the contribution to the tangent is determined. Links are set to the retained and constrained nodes. The DOF_Group tag ID is set using the tag of the constrained Nodes DOF_Group, the tag of the retained Node Dof_group and the tag of the LagrangeDOF_Group, theGroup. A warning message is printed and the program is terminated if either not enough memory is available for the Matrices and Vector or the constrained and retained Nodes of their DOF_Groups do not exist.

Invokes delete on any Matrix or Vector objects created in the constructor that have not yet been destroyed.

Causes the LagrangeMP_FE to determine the mapping between it’s equation numbers and the degrees-of-freedom. This information is obtained by using the mapping information at the DOF_Group objects associated with the constrained and retained nodes and the LagrangeDOF_Group, theGroup. Returns \(0\) if successful. Prints a warning message and returns a negative number if an error occurs: \(-2\) if the Node has no associated DOF_Group, \(-3\) if the constrained DOF specified is invalid for this Node (sets corresponding ID component to \(-1\) so nothing is added to the tangent) and \(-4\) if the ID in the DOF_Group is too small for the Node (again setting corresponding ID component to \(-1\)).

If the MP_Constraint is time-varying, from the MP_Constraint theMP it obtains the current \(C_{cr}\) matrix; it then adds the contribution to the tangent matrix. Returns this tangent Matrix.

Returns the residual, a \(\zero\) Vector. virtual const Vector &getTangForce(const Vector &disp, double fact = 1.0);

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