PenaltyMP FE

# PenaltyMP_FE

#include <analysis/fe_ele/penalty/PenaltyMP_FE.h>

class PenaltyMP_FE: public FE_Element ;


PenaltyMP_FE is a subclass of FE_Element used to enforce a multi point constraint, of the form \(\U_c = \C_{cr} \U_r\), where \(\U_c\) are the constrained degrees-of-freedom at the constrained node, \(\U_r\) are the retained degrees-of-freedom at the retained node and \(\C_{cr}\) a matrix defining the relationship between these degrees-of-freedom.

To enforce the constraint a matrix \(\alpha \C^T \C\) is added to the tangent for the degrees-of-freedom \([\U_c\) \(\U_r]\), where \(\C = [-\I\) \(\C_{cr}]\). Nothing is added to the residual.

// Constructor

// Destructor

// Public Methods

To construct a PenaltyMP_FE element to enforce the constraint specified by the MP_Constraint theMP using a default value for \(\alpha\) of \(alpha\). The FE_Element class constructor is called with the integers \(2\) and the size of the retainedID plus the size of the constrainedID at the MP_Constraint theMP. A Matrix and a Vector object are created for adding the contributions to the tangent and the residual. The residual is zeroed. A Matrix is created to store the \(C\) Matrix. If the MP_Constraint is not time varying, the components of this Matrix are determined, then the contribution to the tangent \(\alpha C^TC\) is determined and finally the \(C\) matrix is destroyed. Links are set to the retained and constrained nodes. A warning message is printed and the program is terminated if either not enough memory is available for the Matrices and Vector or the constrained and retained Nodes do not exist in the Domain.

Invokes delete on any Matrix or Vector objects created in the constructor that have not yet been destroyed.

Causes the PenaltyMP_FE to determine the mapping between it’s equation numbers and the degrees-of-freedom. This information is obtained by using the mapping information at the DOF_Group objects associated with the constrained and retained nodes to determine the mappings between the degrees-of-freedom identified in the constrainedID and the retainedID at the MP_Constraint theMP. Returns \(0\) if successful. Prints a warning message and returns a negative number if an error occurs: \(-2\) if the Node has no associated DOF_Group, \(-3\) if the constrained DOF specified is invalid for this Node (sets corresponding ID component to \(-1\) so nothing is added to the tangent) and \(-4\) if the ID in the DOF_Group is too small for the Node (again setting corresponding ID component to \(-1\)).

If the MP_Constraint is time-varying, from the MP_Constraint theMP it obtains the current \(C_{cr}\) matrix; it then forms the \(C\) matrix and finally it sets the tangent matrix to be \(\alpha C^TC\). Returns the tangent matrix.

Returns the residual, a \(\zero\) Vector. virtual const Vector &getTangForce(const Vector &disp, double fact = 1.0);

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