
#include <analysis/handler/TransformationConstraintHandler.h>


class TransformationConstraintHandler: public ConstraintHandler


The TransformationConstraintHandler class is a class which deals with both single and multi point constraints using the Transformation method. This is done by, in addition to creating a DOF_Group object for each Node and an FE_Element for each Element in the Domain, creating either a TransformationSP_FE or a TransformationMP_FE object for each constraint in the Domain. It is these objects that enforce the constraints by moifying the tangent matrix and residual vector.

// Constructor

// Destructor

// Public Methods

The integer HANDLER_TAG_TransformationConstraintHandler (defined in \(<\)classTags.h\(>\)) is passed to the TransformationConstraintHandler constructor.

Currently invokes clearAll(), this will change when clearAll() is rewritten.

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