# Integrator
#include <analysis/integrator/Integrator.h>
class Integrator: public MovableObject;
The Integrator class is an abstract base class. Its purpose is to define the interface common among all subclasses. An integrator method is responsible for defining how the system of equations are set up (this it does by specifying how the FE_Element and DOF_Group objects of the analysis model construct the vectors and matrices asked of them by the Analysis). It is also responsible for updating the response quantities at the DOFs with the appropriate values; the values are determined from the solution to the system of equations.
// Constructor
// Destructor
// Public Methods
// Public Method added for Domain Decomposition
// Public Method added for Output
classTag is passed to the MovableObject classes constructor.
Does nothing. Provided so the subclass destructors will be invoked.
Is called by the Analysis object. Refer to the Analysis classes to see when it is invoked. To return \(0\) if successful, a negative number if not. This base class returns \(0\).
Called upon to determine the FE_Element theEles matrix contribution to the SystemOfEqn object. To return \(0\) if successful, a negative number otherwise.
Called upon to determine the DOF_Group theDofs matrix contribution to the SystemOfEqn object. To return \(0\) if successful, a negative number otherwise.
Called upon to determine the FE_Element theEles vector contribution to the SystemOfEqn object. To return \(0\) if successful, a negative number otherwise.
Called upon to determine the DOF_Group theDofs vector contribution to the SystemOfEqn object. To return \(0\) if successful, a negative number otherwise.
virtual int getLastResponse(Vector &result, const ID &id) =0;
Called upon to get the result quantities for the components specified in the ID id and to place them in the Vector result. This is provided for domain decomposition methods. To return \(0\) if successful, a negative number otherwise.
The Integrator is to send information to the stream based on the integer flag.