
# StaticIntegrator

#include <analysis/integrator/StaticIntegrator.h>

class StaticIntegrator: public Integrator



StaticIntegrator is an abstract class. It is a subclass of IncrementalIntegrator provided to implement the common methods among integrator classes used in performing a static analysis on the FE_Model. The StaticIntegrator class provides an implementation of the methods to form the FE_Element and DOF_Group contributions to the tangent and residual. A pure virtual method newStep() is also defined in the interface, this is the method first called at each iteration in a static analysis, see the StaticAnalysis class. In static nonlinear finite element problems we seek a solution (\(\U\), \(\lambda\)) to the nonlinear vector function

\[\R(\U, \lambda) = \lambda \P - \F_R(\U) = \zero \label{staticGenForm}\]

The most widely used technique for solving the non-linear finite element equation, equation [femGenForm], is to use an incremental scheme. In the incremental formulation, a solution to the equation is sought at successive incremental steps.

\[\R(\U_{n}, \lambda_n) = \lambda_n \P - \F_R(\U_{n}) \label{staticIncForm}\]

The solution of this equation is typically obtained using an iterative procedure, in which a sequence of approximations (\(\U_{n}^{(i)}\), \(\lambda_n^{(i)}\)), \(i=1,2, ..\) is obtained which converges to the solution (\(\U_n\), \(\lambda_n)\). The most frequently used iterative schemes, such as Newton-Raphson, modified Newton, and quasi Newton schemes, are based on a Taylor expansion of equation [staticIncForm] about (\(\U_{n}\), \(\lambda_n\)):

\[\R(\U_{n},\lambda_n) = \lambda_n^{(i)} \P - \f_{R}\left(\U_{n}^{(i)} \right) - \left[ \begin{array}{cc} \K_n^{(i)} & -\P \\ \end{array} \right] \left\{ \begin{array}{c} \U_{n} - \U_{n}^{(i)} \\ \lambda_n - \lambda_n^{(i)} \end{array} \right\} \label{staticFormTaylor}\]

which a system of of \(N\) equations with (\(N+1\)) unknowns. Two solve this, an additional equation is required, the constraint equation. The constraint equation used depends on the static integration scheme, of which there are a number, for example load control, arc length, and displacement control.

// Constructors

// Destructor

// Public Methods

The integer classTag is passed to the IncrementalIntegrator classes constructor.

Does nothing. Provided so that the subclasses destructors will be called.

To form the tangent matrix of the FE_Element, theEle, is instructed to zero this matrix and then add it’s \(K\) matrix to the tangent, i.e. it performs the following:

while ̄ while w̄hile ̄ theEle-\(>\)zeroTang()

The method returns \(0\).

virtual int formEleResidual(FE_Element \*theEle);

To form the residual vector of the FE_Element, theEle, is instructed to zero the vector and then add it’s \(R\) vector to the residual, i.e. it performs the following:

while ̄ while w̄hile ̄ theEle-\(>\)zeroResidual()

The method returns \(0\).

virtual int formNodTangent(DOF_Group \*theDof);

This should never be called in a static analysis. An error message is printed if it is. Returns -1.

virtual int formNodUnbalance(DOF_Group \*theDof);

To form the unbalance vector of the DOF_Group, theDof, is instructed to zero the vector and then add it’s \(P\) vector to the unbalance, i.e. it performs the following:

while ̄ while w̄hile ̄ theDof-\(>\)zeroUnbalance()

The method returns \(0\).

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