# TransientIntegrator
#include <analysis/integrator/TransientIntegrator.h>
class TransientIntegrator: public Integrator
TransientIntegrator is an abstract subclass of IncrementalIntegrator. A subclass of it is used when performing a nonlinear transient analysis of the problem using a direct integration method. The TransientIntegrator class redefines the formTangent()
method of the IncrementalIntegrator class and it defines a new method newStep()
which is invoked by the DirectIntegrationAnalysis class at each new time step. In nonlinear transient finite element problems we seek a solution (\(\U\), \(\dot \U\), \(\ddot \U\)) to the nonlinear vector function
\[\R(\U,\Ud, \Udd) = \P(t) - \F_I(\Udd) - \F_R(\U, \Ud) = \zero \label{femGenForm}\]
The most widely used technique for solving the transient non-linear finite element equation, equation [femGenForm], is to use an incremental direct integration scheme. In the incremental formulation, a solution to the equation is sought at successive time steps \(\Delta t\) apart.
\[\R(\U_{n \Delta t},\Ud_{n \Delta t}, \Udd_{n \Delta t}) = \P(n \Delta t) - \F_I(\Udd_{n \Delta t}) - \F_R(\U_{n \Delta t}, \Ud_{n \Delta t}) \label{fullTimeForm}\]
For each time step, t, the integration schemes provide two operators, \(\I_1\) and \(\I_2\), to relate the velocity and accelerations at the time step as a function of the displacement at the time step and the response at previous time steps:
\[\dot \U_{t} = {\I}_1 (\U_t, \U_{t-\Delta t}, \dot \U_{t-\Delta t}, \ddot \U_{t - \Delta t}, \U_{t - 2\Delta t}, \dot \U_{t - 2 \Delta t}. ..., ) \label{I1}\]
\[\ddot \U_{t} = {\I}_2 (\U_t, \U_{t-\Delta t}, \dot \U_{t-\Delta t}, \ddot \U_{t - \Delta t}, \U_{t - 2\Delta t}, \dot \U_{t - 2 \Delta t}. ..., ) \label{I2}\]
These allow us to rewrite equation [fullTimeForm], in terms of a single response quantity, typically the displacement:
\[\R(\U_t) = \P(t) - \F_I(\Udd_t) - \F_R(\U_t, \Ud_t) \label{genForm}\]
The solution of this equation is typically obtained using an iterative procedure, i.e. making an initial prediction for \(\U_{t}\), denoted \(\U_{t}^{(0)}\) a sequence of approximations \(\U_{t}^{(i)}\), \(i=1,2, ..\) is obtained which converges (we hope) to the solution \(\U_{t}\). The most frequently used iterative schemes, such as Newton-Raphson, modified Newton, and quasi Newton schemes, are based on a Taylor expansion of equation [genForm] about \(\U_{t}\):
\[\R(\U_{t}) = \R(\U_{t}^{(i)}) + \left[ {\frac{\partial \R}{\partial \U_t} \vert}_{\U_{t}^{(i)}}\right] \left( \U_{t} - \U_{t}^{(i)} \right)\]
\[\R(\U_{t}) = \P (t) - \f_{I} \left( \ddot \U_{t}^{(i)} \right) - \f_{R} \left( \dot \U_{t}^{(i)}, \U_{t}^{(i)} \right)\] \[- \left[ \M^{(i)} {\I}_2' + \C^{(i)} {\I}_1' + \K^{(i)} \right] \left( \U_{t} - \U_{t}^{(i)} \right) \label{femGenFormTaylor}\]
To start the iteration scheme, trial values for \(\U_{t}\), \(\dot \U_{t}\) and \(\ddot \U_{t}\) are required. These are obtained by assuming \(\U_{t}^{(0)} = \U_{t-\Delta t}\). The \(\dot \U_{t}^{(0)}\) and \(\ddot \U_{t}^{(0)}\) can then be obtained from the operators for the integration scheme. Subclasses of TransientIntegrators provide methods informing the FE_Element and DOF_Group objects how to build the tangent and residual matrices and vectors. They also provide the method for updating the response quantities at the DOFs with appropriate values; these values being some function of the solution to the linear system of equations.
// Constructor
// Destructor
// Public Methods
The integer classTag is passed to the IncrementalIntegrator classes constructor.
Does nothing.
Invoked to form the structure tangent matrix. The method is rewritten for this class to include inertia effects from the nodes. The method iterates over both the FE_Elements and DOF_Groups invoking methods to form their contributions to the \(A\) matrix of the LinearSOE and then adding these contributions to the \(A\) matrix. The method performs the following:
while ̄ while w̄hile ̄ theSysOfEqn.zeroA();
DOF_EleIter &theDofs = theAnalysisModel.getDOFs();
while((dofPtr = theDofs()) \(\neq\) 0)
theSOE.addA(dofPtr-\(>\)getTangent(this), dofPtr-\(>\)getID())
FE_EleIter &theEles = theAnalysisModel.getFEs();
while((elePtr = theEles()) \(\neq\) 0)
theSOE.addA(elePtr-\(>\)getTangent(this), elePtr-\(>\)getID(), \(1.0\))
Returns \(0\) if successful, otherwise a \(-1\) if an error occurred while trying to add the stiffness. The two loops are introduced for the FE_Elements, to allow for efficient parallel programming when the FE_Elements are associated with a ShadowSubdomain.
virtual int formEleResidual(FE_Element \*theEle);
Called upon by the FE_Element theEle to determine it’s contribution to the rhs of the equation. The following are invoked before \(0\) is returned.
while ̄ while w̄hile ̄ theEle-\(>\)zeroResidual()
virtual int formNodUnbalance(DOF_Group \*theDof);
Called upon by the DOF_Group theDof to determine it’s contribution to the rhs of the equation. The following are invoked before \(0\) is returned.
while ̄ while w̄hile ̄ theDof-\(>\)zeroUnbalance()
virtual int newStep(double deltaT) =0;
Invoked to inform the integrator that the transient analysis is proceeding to the next time step. To return \(0\) if successful, a negative number if not.