
# PlainNumberer

#include <analysis/numberer/PlainNumberer.h>

class PlainNumberer: public DOF_Numberer


The PlainNumberer class is a DOF_Numberer. An object of this class assigns the equation numbers to thee DOF_Groups based on the order in which they are obtained from the DOF_GroupIter object obtained from the AnalyisModel. The class is useful for situations where the SystemOfEqn or Solver objects will impose a renumbering on the equations, which makes performing a complex numbering of the degrees-of-freedom a waste of computational effort.

// Constructor

// Destructor

// Public Methods

The integer NUMBERER_TAG_PlainNumberer is passed to the DOF_Numberer classes constructor.

Does nothing.

The PlainNumberer will twice obtain the DOF_GroupIter from the AnalysisModel. It iterates twice through the DOF_Groups first assigning the dofs with eqn numbers assigned -2 a number and then on the next pass the dofs assigned -3. The PlainNumberer then invokes setID() on each FE_Element in the AnalysisModel. Finally it invokes setEqnNum(numEqn) on the AnalyisModel. Returns a positive integer equal to the last equation number set if successful, a negative number if not; the value of which depends on the type of the PlainNumberer. A PlainNumberer will not use the lastDOF_Group integer, if one is supplied a warning message is printed.

The method is identical to that outlined above. A PlainNumberer will not use the lastDOF_Groups ID, if this method is invoked a warning message is printed.

Returns \(0\).

Returns \(0\).

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