
#include <database/FE_Datastore.h>

class FE_Datastore: public ModelBuilder, public Channel



FE_Datastore is an abstract class. An FE_Datastore object is used in the program to store/restore the geometry and state information in the domain at particular instances. How, where and how the data is stored depends on the implementation provided by the concrete subclasses.

// Constructor

// Destructor

// Public Methods

// Protected Methods

The Domain object theDomain is passed to the ModelBuilder constructor. A pointer is kept to theBroker object.

Does nothing.

To return a unique integer identifier at each call. This identifier will be used by the objects to store/retrieve their information to/from the database.

Invoked to store the current state of the domain in the database. The integer commitTag is used to identify the state for subsequent calls to restore the information from the database. To return \(0\) if successful, a negative number if not.

In the implementation for the FE_Datastore class, the object first invokes validateBaseRelationsWrite() on itself. If this method returns \(0\), the object then loops over all the components of the Domain object invoking sendSelf(commitTag, this) on each of these objects. Returns \(0\) if successful, a negative number if not. For each domain component that could not send itself a warning message is printed.

Invoked to restore the state of the domain from a database. The state of the domain at the end of this call is to be the same as the state of the domain when commitState(commitTag) was invoked. To return \(0\) if successful, a negative number if not.

In the implementation for the FE_Datastore class, the object first invokes validateBaseRelationsRead() on itself. If this method returns \(0\), the object then loops over all the components of the Domain object invoking recvSelf(commitTag, this) on each of these objects. Returns \(0\) if successful, a negative number if not. For each domain component that could not send itself a warning message is printed.

This method is invoked before the information can be sent to the database. It is required to ensure that:

  1. Each Node, Element, SP_Constraint, MP_Constraint, NodalLoad and ElementalLoad which is to save information in the database has a database tag.

  2. That the information in the base tables is up to date so that a later call to validateBaseRelationsRead(commitTag) will be successful.

To return \(0\) if the base relations are up to date, to return \(1\) if they are up to date and the component data has been sent to the database, and a negative number if the method fails.

This method is invoked before the information can be extracted from the database. It is required to ensure that the Domain has the same type of DomainComponent objects and that each of these has the same database tag as when validateBaseRealationsWrie(commitTag) was invoked. To return \(0\) if the base relations are up to date, to return \(1\) if they are up to date and the component data has been received from the database, and a negative number if the method fails.

Returns a pointer to theBroker object passed in the constructor.

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