MP Constraint

# MP_Constraint

#include <domain/constraints/MP_Constraint.h>

class MP_Constraint: public DomainComponent


An MP_Constraint represents a multiple point constraint in the domain. A multiple point constraint imposes a relationship between the displacement for certain dof at two nodes in the model, typically called the retained node and the constrained node: \(U_c = C_{cr} U_r\)

An MP_Constraint is responsible for providing information on the relationship between the dof, this is in the form of a constraint Matrix, \(C_{cr}\), and two ID objects, retainedID and constrainedID indicating the dof’s at the nodes represented by \(C_{cr}\). For example, for the following constraint imposing a relationship between the displacements at node \(1\), the constrained node, with the displacements at node \(2\), the retained node in a problem where the x,y,z components are identified as the 0,1,2 degrees-of-freedom:

\[u_{1,x} = 2 u_{2,x} + u_{2,z}\] \[u_{1,y} = 3 u_{2,z}\]

the constraint matrix is: \[C_{cr} = \left[ \begin{array}{cc} 2 & 1 \\ 0 & 3 \\ \end{array} \right]\]

constrainedID = \([0\) \(1]\) and retainedID \(= [0\) \(2]\).

// Constructors

// Destructor

// Public Methods

// Public Methods for Output

To construct a multiple point constraint where the constrained node is given by nodeConstr, the retained node by nodeRetain, the constrainedID by constrainedDOF, the retainedID by retainedDOF and \(C_{cr}\) by constraint. The integers tag and CNSTRNT_TAG_MP_Constraint are passed to the DomainComponent classes constructor. New Matrix and ID objects are created to hold the information.

For the subclasses to use. The subclasses can vary the contents of the Matrix returned when getConstraint() is invoked. The integers tag classTag are passed to the DomainComponent classes constructor. New ID objects are created to hold the information.

Provided for the FEM_ObjectBroker to construct a blank object. The data for the object is filled in when recvSelf() is invoked on the object. \(0\) and classTag are passed to the DomainComponent constructor.

Invokes the destructor on both the ID and the Matrix object, if a Matrix object is passed in the constructor.

Returns the value of nodeRetain passed in the constructor, i.e. the tag of the retained node. virtual int getNodeConstrained(void) const;
Returns the value of nodeConstr passed in the constructor, i.e. the tag of the constrained node. virtual const ID &getConstrainedDOFs(void) const;
Returns, as a const, the constrainedID formed in the constructor. virtual const ID &getRetainedDOFs(void) const;
Returns, as a const, the retainedID formed in the constructor. virtual int applyConstraint(double timeStamp)
A method to invoked to inform the MP_Constraint to determine \(C_{cr}\), for the time timeStamp. The base class will do nothing, as Matrix is assumed to be constant.

virtual const Matrix &getConstraint(void) const;

Returns the current constraint Matrix, that determined in the last call to applyConstraint(). For the MP_Constraint class, \(C_{cr}\) determined in the constructor is returned.

virtual int sendSelf(int commitTag, Channel &theChannel);

Creates a Vector, stores the MP_Constraints tag, nodeRetain, nodeConstrained and value in the Vector, and sends the Vector to the Channel using the objects own database tag and commitTag. It then sends the participatingDOF ID and the constraint Matrix, again using the objects database tag and commitTag. Returns \(0\) if successful, a negative number if the Channel object, theChannel, failed to send the data. virtual int recvSelf(int commitTag, Channel &theChannel, FEM_ObjectBroker &theBroker);
Creates a Vector, receives the Vector from the Channel using commitTag and the objects database tag, and sets theMP_Constraints tag, nodeRetain, nodeConstrained from the the Vector. Creates a Vector and a Matrix, and then receives the participatingDOF ID and the constraint Matrix into these objects. Returns \(0\) if successful, a negative number if the Channel object, theChannel, failed to receive the data.

virtual void Print(OPS_Stream &s, int flag = 0);

Prints out the MP_Constraints tag, then the tags of the constrained and retained nodes, then the two ID’s and finally the constraint Matrix.

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