#include \(<\)/domain/node/Node.h\(>\)
class Node: public DomainComponent
Nodes are points in space connected by the elements. Nodes have original position, trial displacement, velocity and acceleration, and committed displacement, velocity and acceleration (the last committed trial quantities). Nodes also store information about any load acting on the node, nodal mass and the nodal participation matrix. In addition, each Node object keeps track of it’s associated DOF_Group object. The Node interface provides methods to set and retrieve these quantities.
// Constructors
// Destructor
// Public Methods dealing with DOF at the Node
// Public Method for obtaining nodal coordinates
// Public Method for obtaining committed and trial responses
// Public Method for updating trial responses
// Public Method for setting and obtaining unbalanced load
// Public Method for setting state
// Public Method for dynamic and modal analysis
// Public Method for Output
To construct a node which has no data, other than the classTag identifier; \(0\) and classTag are passed to the DomainComponent constructor. This is the constructor called by an FEM_ObjectBroker. The data must be filled in subsequently by a call to recvSelf()
To construct a node whose unique integer among nodes in the domain is given by tag and whose classTag is given by classTag. This constructor can be used by subclasses who wish to handle their own data management.
To construct a node for 1d problems whose unique integer among nodes in the domain is given by tag and whose original position in 1d space is given by (Crd1). With the node is associated ndof number of degrees of freedom. The class tag is NOD_TAG_Node (defined in classTags.h). A Vector object is created to hold the coordinates. No storage objects are created to hold the trial and committed response quantities, mass, load quantities; these are created as needed to reduce the memory demands on the system in certain situations.
To construct a node for 2d problems whose unique integer among nodes in the domain is given by tag and whose original position in 2d space is given by (Crd1,Crd2). With the node is associated ndof number of degrees of freedom. The class tag is NOD_TAG_Node. A Vector object is created to hold the coordinates. No storage objects are created to hold the trial and committed response quantities, mass, load quantities; these are created as needed to reduce the memory demands on the system in certain situations.
To construct a node for 3d problems whose unique integer among nodes in the domain is given by tag and whose original position in 3d space is given by (Crd1,Crd2,Crd3). With the node is associated ndof number of degrees of freedom. The class tag is NOD_TAG_Node. A Vector object is created to hold the coordinates. No storage objects are created to hold the trial and committed response quantities, mass, load quantities; these are created as needed to reduce the memory demands on the system in certain situations.
To construct a node which is an exact copy of theCopy.
Invokes the destructor on all the storage objects created to hold the coordinates, response quantities, mass and load quantities.
Returns the number of degrees-of-freedom, ndof, associated with the node.
Each node, when involved with an analysis, will be associated with a DOF_Group object. It is the DOF_Group that contains the ID of equation numbers. When invoked this method sets the pointer to that DOF_Group object.
virtual DOF_Group \*getDOF_GroupPtr(void);
Method which returns a pointer to the DOF_Group object that was set using setDOF_GroupPtr. If no pointer has been set a \(0\) is returned.
virtual const Vector &getCrds(void) const;
Returns the original coordinates in a Vector. The size of the vector is 2 if node object was created for a 2d problem and the size is 3 if created for a 3d problem.
virtual const Vector &getDisp(void) ;
Returns the last committed displacement as a Vector, the vector of size ndof. If no Vector has yet been allocated, two Vector objects are created to store the committed and trial response quantities created; if not enough space is available an error message is printed and program terminated.
virtual const Vector &getVel(void) ;
Returns the last committed velocity as a Vector, the vector of size ndof. If no Vector has yet been allocated, two Vector objects are created to store the committed and trial response quantities created; if not enough space is available an error message is printed and program terminated.
virtual const Vector &getAccel(void) ;
Returns the last committed acceleration as a Vector, the vector of size ndof. If no Vector has yet been allocated, two Vector objects are created to store the committed and trial response quantities created; if not enough space is available an error message is printed and program terminated.
virtual const Vector &getTrialDisp(void) ;
Returns the current trial displacements as a Vector, the vector of size ndof. If no Vector has yet been allocated, a new Vector is created and returned; if not enough space is available an error message is printed and the program is terminated.
virtual const Vector &getTrialVel(void) ;
Returns the current trial velocities as a Vector, the vector of size ndof. If no Vector has yet been allocated, a new Vector is created and returned; if not enough space is available an error message is printed and the program is terminated.
virtual const Vector &getTrialAccel(void) ;
Returns the current trial accelerations as a Vector, the vector of size ndof. If no Vector has yet been allocated, a new Vector is created and returned; if not enough space is available an error message is printed and the program is terminated.
virtual const Vector &getIncrDisp(void) ;
Returns the incremental displacement as a Vector. The incremental displacement is equal to the difference between the current trial displacement and committed displacement (trial - committed). If no Vector has yet been allocated, three Vector objects are created to store the committed, trial and incremental response quantities; if not enough space is available an error message is printed and program terminated.
virtual int setTrialDisp(const Vector &newTrialDisp);
Sets the current trial displacement to be that given by newTrialDisp. Sets th incremental displacement to be trial \(-\) committtd. If no space has yet been allocated for the trial displacements, two Vector objects are now created to store the trial and committed response quantities; if not enough memory is available on the heap to create these new Vectors an error message is printed and the program is terminated. Returns \(0\) if successful, an error message is printed and a \(-2\) is returned if newTrialDisp is not of size ndof.
virtual int setTrialVel(const Vector &newTrialVel);
Sets the current trial velocity to be that given by newTrialVel. If no space has yet been allocated for the trial velocities, two Vector objects are now created to store the trial and committed response quantities; if not enough memory is available on the heap to create these new Vectors an error message is printed and the program is terminated. Returns \(0\) if successful, an error message is printed and a \(-2\) is returned if newTrialVel is not of size ndof.
virtual int setTrialAccel(const Vector &newTrialAccel);
Sets the current trial acceleration to be that given by newTrialAccel. If no space has yet been allocated for the trial accelerations, two Vector objects are now created to store the trial and committed response quantities; if not enough memory is available on the heap to create these new Vectors an error message is printed and the program is terminated. Returns \(0\) if successful, an error message is printed and a \(-2\) is returned if newTrialAccel is not of size ndof.
virtual int incrTrialDisp(const Vector &trialIncrDisp);
Sets the current trial displacement to be that given by the addition of the last trial displacement, assumed \(0\) if not yet set, and trialIncrDisp. Increments the incremental displacement by trialIncrDisp. If no space has yet been allocated for the displacements, three Vector objects are now created to store the trial, committed and incremental response quantities; if not enough memory is available on the heap to create these new Vectors an error message is printed and the program is terminated. Returns \(0\) if successful, an error message is printed and a \(-2\) is returned if trialIncrDisp is not of size ndof.
virtual int incrTrialVel(const Vector &trialIncrVel);
Sets the current trial velocity to be that given by the addition of the last trial velocity, assumed \(0\) if not yet set, and trialIncrVel. If no space has yet been allocated for the trial velocities, two Vector objects are now created to store the trial and committed response quantities; if not enough memory is available on the heap to create these new Vectors an error message is printed and the program is terminated. Returns \(0\) if successful, an error message is printed and a \(-2\) is returned if trialIncrVel is not of size ndof.
virtual int incrTrialAccel(const Vector &trialIncrAccel);
Sets the current trial Acceleration to be that given by the addition of the last trial Acceleration, assumed \(0\) if not yet set, and trialIncrAccel. If no space has yet been allocated for the trial accelerations, two Vector objects are now created to store the trial and committed response quantities; if not enough memory is available on the heap to create these new Vectors an error message is printed and the program is terminated. Returns \(0\) if successful, an error message is printed and a \(-2\) is returned if trialIncrAccel is not of size ndof.
virtual void zeroUnbalancedLoad(void);
Causes the node to zero out its unbalanced load vector. virtual int addUnbalancedLoad(const Vector &additionalLoad, double fact);
The Node is responsible for adding fact times additionalLoad to the current unbalanced load at the Node. If additionalLoad is not of size ndof no load is added, an error message is printed and a \(-1\) is returned. If no space has yet been allocated for the unbalanced load a new Vector is now created; if not enough space is available for this Vector an error message is printed and the program is terminated. Returns \(0\) if successful.
To add minus fact times the product \(M * R * accel\) to the current unbalanced load. Nothing is done if no mass or R matrix have been set. Prints a warning and returns a \(-1\) if the size of accel and the number of columns in \(R\) are not the same. If no space has yet been allocated for the unbalanced load a new Vector is now created; if not enough space is available for this Vector an error message is printed and the program is terminated. Returns \(0\) if successful.
virtual const Vector &getUnbalancedLoad(void);
Returns the current unbalanced load. If no space has yet been allocated for the unbalanced load a new Vector of size numDOF is now created; if not enough space is available for this Vector an error message is printed and the program is terminated.
virtual const Vector &getUnbalancedLoadIncInertia(void);
Returns the current unbalanced load Vector, as defined above, MINUS the product of the nodes mass matrix and the trial nodal accelerations. The result is saved in another vector which is returned. If no space has yet been allocated for this new Vector, a Vector of size numDOF is now created; if not enough space is available for this Vector an error message is printed and the program is terminated.
virtual int commitState(void);
Causes the node to set the committed model displacements, velocities and accelerations to be equal to the current trial displacements, velocities and accelerations. The incremental displacement is set to \(0\). No assignment is done for any of the quantities for which no memory has been allocated. Returns \(0\).
virtual int revertToLastCommit(void);
Causes the node to set the trial nodal displacements, velocities and accelerations to be equal to the current committed displacements, velocities and accelerations. The incremental displacement is set to \(0\). No assignment is done for any of the trial quantities for which no memory has been allocated. Returns \(0\).
virtual int revertToStart(void);
Causes the node to set the trial and committed nodal displacements, velocities and accelerations to zero. No assignment is done for any of the trial quantities for which no memory has been allocated. Returns \(0\).
virtual const Matrix &getMass(void) ;
Returns the mass matrix set for the node, which is a matrix of size ndof,ndof. This matrix is equal to that set in setMass()
or zero if setMass()
has not been called. If no storage space has been allocated for the mass, a matrix is now created. An error message is printed and the program terminated if no space is available on the heap for this matrix.
virtual int setMass(const Matrix &mass);
Sets the value of the mass at the node. A check is made to ensure that the mass has the same dimensions of the mass matrix associated with the Node; if incompatible size an error message is printed and -1 returned. If no mass matrix yet allocated, one is created; if no space is available an error message is printed and the program terminated. Returns 0 if successful.
Creates a Matrix to store the R matrix. The matrix is of dimension ndof and numCol. If not enough space is available for this matrix an error message is printed and the program is terminated. Zeros the matrix R and returns \(0\) if successful.
Sets the \(row,col\) entry of R to be equal to Value. If no matrix R has been specified or the position in R is out of range a warning message is printed and a \(-1\) is returned. Returns \(0\) if successful.
This is a method provided for Element objects, the Node object returns the product of the matrix \(R\) and the vector \(V\). If the matrix and vector are of inappropriate size a warning message is printed and a zero vector is returned.
virtual int sendSelf(int commitTag, Channel &theChannel);
Causes the Node object to send the data needed to init itself on a remote machine to the Channel object theChannel. The data sent includes the tag, number of dof, coordinates, committed response quantities, unbalanced load, mass and participation matrix. To do this the Node creates an ID object into which it stores its tag, the ndof and a flag indicating whether any additional information, i.e. mass, response quantities also need to be sent. In addition four database tags are also included in this ID object. The database tags, if not already obtained, are requested from the Channel object (these are needed as each object can only store a single object of a particular size using it’s own database tags – additional tags are needed when multiple objects of the same size are needed. The objects that have been created are then sent. virtual int recvSelf(int commitTag, Channel &theChannel, FEM_ObjectBroker &theBroker);
Invoked on a remote machine to read its data that was sent by a node object in another actor when sendSelf()
was invoked. As in sendSelf()
, the Node object creates an ID object. It asks the Channel object to fill this object with data. Based on the data it creates Matrix and Vector objects to store the Nodes data and asks the Channel object to fill these with data. The data placed here by the Channel object correspond to the data put there by the sending Node object.
void Print(OPS_Stream &s, int flag = 0);
Causes the Node to print out its tag, mass matrix, and committed response quantities.
Causes the Node to display itself. If flag is \(1\) the Node will cause its tag to be printed to the display.