# ZeroLength
#include <element/ZeroLength.h>
class ZeroLength: public Element
The ZeroLength class represents an element defined by two nodes at the same geometric location, hence it has zero length. The nodes are connected by of uniaxial materials to represent the force-deformation relationship for the element.
ZeroLength elements are constructed with a tag in a domain of dimension 1, 2, or 3, connected by nodes Nd1 and Nd2. The vector x defines the local x-axis for the element and the vector yprime lies in the local x-y plane for the element. The local z-axis is the cross product between x and yprime, and the local y-axis is the cross product between the local z-axis and x.
// Constructors
// Destructor
// public methods to obtain information about dof & connectivity
// public methods to set the state of the element
// public methods to obtain stiffness, mass, damping and residual information
// public methods for element output
Construct a ZeroLength element with tag . The force-deformation relationship for the element is given by a pointer theMaterial to a UniaxialMaterial model acting in local direction. The local direction is 1, 2, 3, for translation in the local x, y, z axes or 4, 5, 6 for rotation about the local x, y, z axes.
Construct a ZeroLength element with tag . The force-deformation relationship is given by the n1dMat pointers theMaterial to UniaxialMaterial models. direction is an ID of length n1dMat that gives the local direction for each corresponding entry in the array theMaterial The local direction is 1, 2, 3, for translation in the local x, y, z axes or 4, 5, 6 for rotation about the local x, y, z axes.
This is the constructor invoked by an FEM_ObjectBroker object. It constructs an empty ZeroLength element with two nodes. The recvSelf()
method is invoked on the object for it to set the internal data.
Element destructor deletes memory for storing material model pointers.
Returns 2.
Return ID of size \(2\) with the node tags defining the element.
Return the number of DOF for the element, which depends on the dimension of the problem and the number of DOF associated with each node.
Initialize element and define data structures.
Commit state of element by committing state of materials. Return 0 if successful, !0 otherwise.
Revert state of element to last commit by reverting to last committed state of materials. Return 0 if successful, !0 otherwise.
Revert state of element to initial state by reverting to initial state of materials. Return 0 if successful, !0 otherwise.
Return tangent stiffness matrix for element.
Return secant stiffness matrix of element. The secant stiffness is defined by the secant for the materials.
Return a zero damping matrix.
Return a zero mass matrix.
The element has no loads, so this operation has no effect.
The element has no loads, so this operation has no effect and returns 0.
The element has no mass, so this operation has no effect and returns 0.
Return resisting force vector.
Return resisting force vector with inertia included.
Send information about element over a channel.
Receive information about element over a channel.
Display element.
Print information about element.
Set response quantities as "force", "deformation", "material", or "stiff". Return response ID or -1 if error. Currently, only the one uniaxial material can be set.
Get response information for responseID. Return 0 if successful, -1 otherwise.