
# SectionForceDeformation

#include <material/section/SectionForceDeformation.h>

class SectionForceDeformation : public Material


SectionForceDeformation provides the interface which all SectionForceDeformation models must implement.

// Constructor

// Destructor

// Public Methods

// Public Methods for Output

To construct a SectionForceDeformation object whose unique integer tag among SectionForceDeformation objects in the domain is given by tag, and whose class identifier is given by classTag. These integers are passed to the Material class constructor.

Does nothing.

To set the value of the trial section deformation vector, \(\esec\) to be def. To return \(0\) if successful, a negative number if not.

To return the trial section deformation vector, \(\esec\).

To return the section resisting forces, \(\ssec\), at the current trial state.

To return the section resisting forces, \(\ssec\), from the previous trial state.

To return the section tangent stiffness matrix, \(\ksec\), at the current trial state.

To return the section tangent stiffness matrix, \(\ksec\), from the previous trialstate.

Obtains the section tangent stiffness matrix, \(\ksec\), and returns its inverse, the section flexibility matrix, \(\fsec\), via an explicit matrix inversion. NOTE: The explicit matrix inversion provides default behavior and may be overridden in subclasses to suit specific SectionForceDeformation implementations.

Returns the section flexibility matrix, \(\fsec\), from the previous trial state. NOTE: This function provides default behavior and may be overridden in subclasses to suit specific SectionForceDeformation implementations.

To commit the section state. Returns \(0\) if successful and a negative number if not.

To revert the section to its last committed state. Returns \(0\) if successful and a negative number if not.

To revert the section to its initial state. Returns \(0\) if successful and a negative number if not.

To return a pointer to a new SectionForceDeformation object, which is a copy of this instance. It is up to the caller to ensure that the destructor is invoked.

To return the section ID code that indicates the ordering and type of response quantities returned by the section. Lets the calling object (e.g. an Element) know how to interpret the quantites returned by this SectionForceDeformation model.

To return the number of response quantities provided by the section.



To print section information to the stream s based on the value of flag.

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