
#include \(<\tilde{}\)/matrix/Matrix.h\(>\)

class Matrix:

The Matrix class provides the matrix abstraction. A matrix of order numRows X numCols is an ordered 2d array of numbers arranged in numRows rows and numCols columns. For example, a matrix \(A\) of order 2 X 3: $$A = $$

The Matrix class provides the implementation of a general unsymmetric matrix. The data for the matrix is stored in a 1d double array of size numRows*numCols with the data for \(a_{i,j}\) located at j*numRows + i in the 1d array. This is similar to the ordering of a Fortran 2d array and will permit calls to numerical Fortran libraries, e.g. BLAS, for certain method calls at a future stage. At present no subclassing is permitted (THIS MAY CHANGE), the reason for this is that the Matrix objects are envisioned to be small scale matrices primarily used for the passing of data between objects in the system. To allow subclassing could reduce the efficiency of the program due to the manner in which virtual functions are implemented.

To construct a Matrix with numRows = \(0\), and numCols = \(0\). No memory is allocated to store the data.

To construct a Matrix with numRows = nrows, and numCols = ncols and all coefficients equal to \(0\). Allocates memory for the storage of the data. If numRows \(<\) \(0\), numCols \(<\) \(0\) or not enough memory is available available, an error message is printed and a Matrix with numRows = \(0\) and numCols = \(0\) is returned. Before the Matrix is returned, Zero() is called on the Matrix.

To construct a Matrix with numRows = nrows, and numCols = ncols and all coefficients equal to \(0\). The memory for storage of the data is found at the location pointed to by data. Note that this memory must have been previously allocated and it must be of appropriate size, erroneous results and segmentation faults can occur otherwise. No additional memory is allocated for the storage of the data.

To construct a Matrix using another Matrix. The new Matrix will be a general matrix that is identical to the Matrix M, i.e. same size and identical components. If not enough memory is available, an error message is printed and a Matrix with numRows = \(0\) and numCols = \(0\) is returned. The constructor tests for the type of \(M\) to see whether the performance can be improved, by avoiding having to call \(M\)’s overloaded (i,j) operators if \(M\) is of type genMatrix.

Free’s up any memory allocated in the constructor. Note that if the third constructor had been invoked, the memory passed is not released back to the system (this must be done later by the user of this constructor).

Returns the number of rows, numRows, of the Matrix. The method is declared inline for the compiler to produce faster code which does not require a method call.

Returns the number of columns, numCols, of the Matrix.

Zero’s out the Matrix, i.e. sets all the components of the matrix to \(0\). The method tests for the type of Matrix, to see whether the performance can be improved by avoiding having to call the overloaded (i,j) operators if the Matrix is of type genMatrix.

Assembles into the current Matrix the Matrix M. The contents of the current matrix at location (rows(i),cols(j)) is set equal to the current value plus fact times the value of the matrix M at location (i,j ). A warning is printed for every rows(i), cols(j) specified which is outside the bounds of the matrix.

Will solve the equation \(Ax=V\) for the Vector x, which is returned. At the moment the current matrix is assumed to be symmetric positive definite. THIS IS TO CHANGE. A Vector is created using V. If this Vector is not of the correct size or if an error occurs during factorization a warning message is printed and the Vector x is returned.

To add a factor fact times the Matrix other to the current Matrix. The size of the other Matrix is first checked to see sizes are compatible; if size are not compatible nothing is done and a warning message is printed. The method tests for the type of other, to see whether the performance can be improved by avoiding having to call other’s overloaded (i,j) operators, if other is of type genMatrix.

Returns the data at location(row,col) in the Matrix. Assumes (row,col) is a valid location in the Matrix, a segmentation fault or erroneous results can occur if this is not the case.

Used to set the data at location(row,col) in the Matrix. Assumes (row,col) is a valid location in the Matrix, a segmentation fault or erroneous results can occur if this is not the case.

Returns a new Matrix of dimension (rows.Size(), cols.Size()). The contents of the new matrix are given by the contents of the current matrix at the locations given by the rows and cols objects. For example the contents of the new matrix at location (i,j) are equal to the contents of the current matrix at location (rows(i),cols(j)). Assumes ( row,col) is a valid location in the Matrix, a segmentation fault or erroneous results can occur if this is not the case.

Sets the current Matrix to be equal to the Matrix given by M. If the Matrices are of different sizes, the current data is deallocated and additional space allocated before the contents are copied. If not enough space can be allocated for the new data, an error message is printed and a Matrix of size \(0\) x \(0\) is returned. The method tests for the type of M, to see whether the performance can be improved by avoiding having to call \(M\)’s overloaded (i,j) operators, if \(M\) is of type genMatrix. This method must be implemented by each subclass.

A method to add fact to each component of the current Matrix. The method tests for the type of the current Matrix, to see whether the performance can be improved by avoiding having to call the overloaded (i,j) operators, if the current Matrix is of type genMatrix.

A method to subtract fact from each component of the current Matrix. The method tests for the type of the current Matrix, to see whether the performance can be improved by avoiding having to call the overloaded (i,j) operators, if the current Matrix is of type genMatrix.

A method to multiply each component of the current Matrix by fact. The method tests for the type of the current Matrix, to see whether the performance can be improved by avoiding having to call the overloaded (i,j) operators, if the current Matrix is of type genMatrix.

A method which will divide each component of the current Matrix by fact. If fact is equal to zero, an error message is printed and the contents of the Matrix are set to MATRIX_VERY_LARGE_VALUE (defined in \(<\)Matrix.h\(>\)). The method tests for the type of the current Matrix, to see whether the performance can be improved by avoiding having to call the overloaded (i,j) operators, if the current Matrix is of type genMatrix.

A method to return a new Matrix, whose components are equal to the components of the current Matrix plus the value fact. A new Matrix object is constructed, using the current Matrix as the argument to the constructor. The += operator is then invoked on this Matrix with fact as the argument, and the new Matrix is then returned.

A method to return a new Matrix, whose components are equal to the components of the current Matrix minus the value fact. A new Matrix object is constructed, using the current Matrix as the argument to the constructor. The -= operator is then invoked on this Matrix with fact as the argument, and this new Matrix is then returned.

A method to return a new Matrix, whose components are equal to the components of the current Matrix times the value fact. A new Matrix object is constructed, using the current Matrix as the argument to the constructor. The = operator is then invoked on this Matrix with fact as the argument, and this new Matrix is then returned.

A method to return a new Matrix whose components are equal to the components of the current Matrix divided the value fact. A new Matrix object is constructed by using the current Matrix as the argument to the constructor. The /= operator is then invoked on this Matrix with fact as the argument, and this new Matrix is then returned.

A method to return a new Vector, of size numRows, whose components are equal to the product of the current Matrix times the Vector V. If the current Matrix and Vector V are not compatible, i.e. V.Size() is not equal to numCols, an error message is printed and a zero Vector of size equal to the number of rows in the current Matrix is returned. The method tests for the type of the current Matrix, to see whether the performance can be improved by avoiding having to call the overloaded (i,j) operators, if the current Matrix is of type genMatrix.

A method to return a new Vector, of size numCols, whose components are equal to the product of the transpose of the current Matrix times the Vector V. If the current Matrix and Vector V are not compatible, i.e. V.Size() is not equal to numRows, an error message is printed and a zero Vector of size equal to the number of columns in the current Matrix is returned. The method tests for the type of the current Matrix, to see whether the performance can be improved by avoiding having to call the overloaded (i,j) operators, if the current Matrix is of type genMatrix.

A method to return a new Matrix equal to the sum of the current Matrix and the Matrix M. It does this by creating a new matrix passing itself as an argument to the constructor. The addMatrix() method is then invoked on this new Matrix with \(M\) and \(-1\) as the arguments. The new Matrix is then returned.

A method to return a new Matrix equal to the the current Matrix minus the Matrix M. It does this by creating a new matrix passing itself as an argument to the constructor. The addMatrix() method is then invoked on this new Matrix with \(M\) and \(-1\) as the arguments. The new Matrix is then returned.

A method to return a new Matrix equal to the product of the current Matrix and the Matrix M. It does this by first creating a new Matrix of size numRows and M.numCols. The contents of this new Matrix are then determined and the resulting Matrix is returned. If the two matrices are of incompatible sizes, a warning message is printed and a zeroed Matrix is returned. The method tests for the type of the current Matrix, to see whether the performance can be improved by avoiding having to call the overloaded (i,j) operators, if M is of type genMatrix.

A method to return a new Matrix equal to the product of the transpose of the current Matrix and the Matrix M. It does this by first creating a new Matrix of size numRows and M.numRows. The contents of this new Matrix are then determined and the resulting Matrix is returned. If the two matrices are of incompatible sizes, a warning message is printed and a zeroed Matrix is returned. The method tests for the type of the current Matrix, to see whether the performance can be improved by avoiding having to call the overloaded (i,j) operators, if M is of type genMatrix.

To print the contents of the Matrix to the output stream s. The method will print the contents one row at a time.

To read the contents of the Matrix from the input stream s. The method expects the components one row at a time.

friend OPS_Stream &operator$<<$(OPS_Stream &s, const Matrix &M);

A function to print out the contents of the Matrix M to the output stream s. Does this by invoking Output() on the Matrix M.

friend OPS_Stream &operator$>>$(istream &s, const Matrix &M);

A function to print out the contents of the Matrix M to the output stream s. Does this by invoking Output() on the Matrix M.