
#include <modelbuilder/ModelBuilder.h>

class ModelBuilder;

The ModelBuilder class is an abstract base class. A subclass of ModelBuilder is a class which creates the finite element discretization of a structure: that is it discretizes the structure to be modeled into Elements, Nodes, Constraints, etc. and adds these components to the Domain.

// Constructor

// Destructor

// Public Methods

// Protected Methods

All models are associated with a single domain, this constructor sets up the link between the model and the domain, setting its link to the Domain object theDomain.

Does nothing.

The ModelBuilder will construct the Element, Node, Load and Constraint objects and add them to the Domain object associated with the ModelBuilder.

Returns a pointer to the Domain object passed in the constructor. This method can be used in the subclasses to get a pointer the Domain object to which to add the domain components.

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