#include <earthquake/Renderer.h>
class Renderer
The Renderer class is an abstract class which is introduced to allow the graphical display of the 3d finite element model. The Renderer class is an abstract class, it defines the interface all concrete subclasses must provide. In common with most rendering packages, the interface allows only for the displaying of a few basic primitive objects, lines and polygons (commercial renderers offer others such as cubes, circles, cones). By providing only a few basic primitives, the interface will allow complicated scenes to be created (much like the ten digits 0-9 allows an infinite number of numbers to be created).
Unlike commercial renderers there is no concept of the optical properties of materials and light sources in the interface. This is because the image the analyst is looking for is not a photo realistic image of the model, rather an image indicating the basic model, stresses, and nodal displacements.
// Constructor
// Destructor
// Public Methods to display the Model
// Public Methods invoked at start or end of a rendering
// Public Methods invoked by the Objects to Display Themselves
// Public Methods invoked to set up the viewing system
Keeps a pointer to Domain object theDomain and the ColorMap object theMap.
Does Noting.
Invoked to clear the image. This is required if multiple images can be displayed at once for example in a graphic window.
Invoked at the start of displayModel()
, when the image is about to be displayed.
Invoked at the end of displayModel()
, when the image is finished and ready to be displayed.
Invoked to draw a line in the image. The two vectors end1 and end2 define the two end points in the 3d coordinate system, the values V1 and V2 define the scalar quantity to be displayed. To return \(0\) if successful, a negative number if not.
Invoked to draw a polygon in the image. The Vectors pointed to in ends define the end points of the polygon and the Vector values define the scalar quantities to be displayed. Note that there must be at least values.Size() Vectors pointed to at the start of ends, otherwise a segmentation fault will occur. To return \(0\) if successful, a negative number if not.
Invoked to draw a vector in the image. The vector is to be drawn at position position. The magnitude and direction of the vector are given in value. To return \(0\) if successful, a negative number if not.
Invoked to draw a string of text in the image at position posGlobal. The position is in the 3d model coordinates. The length of the string is length. To return \(0\) if successful, a negative number if not.
Invoked to draw a string of text in the image at position posGlobal. The position is in the 3d model coordinates. The length of the string is length. To return \(0\) if successful, a negative number if not.
To set the ColorMap used in the draw()
routines. The ColorMap object is used to convert scalar quantities into rgb values.
Invoked to set the VRP. The VRP is a point on the viewing plane, which is that plane in the global coordinate system on which the 3d image is projected. The point is given in the global coordinate system.
Invoked to set the VPN. The VPN defines the perpendicular to the viewing plane.
Invoked to set the VUP. The VUP defines the up direction of the viewing plane. The combination of VRP, VPN and VUP define a new local coordinate system centered at VRP, with axis u,v,n, where the direction of u is given by \(vuv \% vpn\), v by \(vpn \% u\) and n finishes off the rhs local system.
Invoked to set the bounds of the image on the view plane which is then scaled to fit into the image diplayed. The values provided are in the local coordinate system.
Sets the distance to the near and far clipping planes.
Sets the projection mode. If mode is \(0\) a parallel projection of the image onto the viewing plane will be displayed, if \(1\) a perspective projection.
Sets the fill mode for solid shapes, i.e. polygons. If mode is \(0\) a wire frame image will be displayed, otherwise solid shapes will be filled.
Sets the PRP. The PRP defines the eye location of the viewer. It is important to note that the eye location is specified in the new local coordinate system.
Sets the portwindow. The portwindow is that region of the display into which the image is displayed. The range is [-1,1.-1.1].