#include \(<\tilde{ }\)/system_of_eqn/linearSOE/profileSPD/ProfileSPDLinSubstrSolver.h\(>\)
class ProfileSPDLinSubstrSolver: public DomainSolver, public ProfileSPDLinSubstrSolver
A ProfileSPDLinSubstrSolver object will perform the numerical substructuring operations on a ProfileSPDLinSOE object. EXPAND.
// Constructor
// Destructor
// Public Methods
Causes the condenser to form \(A_{ee}^* = A_{ee} -A_{ei} A_{ii}^{-1} A_{ie}\), where \(A_{ii}\) is the first numInt rows of the \(A\) matrix. The original \(A\) is changed as a result. \(A_{ee}^*\) is to be stored in \(A_{ee}\).
int condenseRHS(int numInt);
Causes the condenser to form \(B_e^* = B_e - A_{ei} A_{ii}^{-1} B_i\), where \(A_{ii}\) is the first numInt rows of \(A\). The original \(B\) is changed as a result. \(B_e^*\) is to be stored in \(B_e\).
int computeCondensedMatVect(Vector &u, int numInt);
Causes the condenser to form \(A_{ee} u\).
Matrix &getCondensedA(void);
Returns the contents of \(A_{ee}\) as a matrix.
Vector &getCondensedRHS(void);
Returns the contents of \(B_e\) as a Vector.
Vector &getCondensedMatVect(void);
Returns the contents of the last call to computeCondensedMatVect()
int setComputedXext(const Vector &u);
Sets the computed value of the unknowns in \(X_e\) corresponding to the external equations to u. The number of external equations is given by the size of vector \(u\).
int solveXint(void);
To compute the internal equation numbers \(X_i\) given the value set for the external equations in the last call to setComputedXext()