
#include \(<\tilde{ }\)/tagged/TaggedObject.h\(>\)

class TaggedObject

TaggedObject is used as a base class to represent all classes that may have a integer identifier, a tag, to identify the object. It is used in the framework as a base class for many classes, for example DomainComponent and Vertex. The class is provided so that container classes can be written to store objects and provide access to them. This saves us rewriting container classes for each type of object. (templates will be able to provide this functionality when they are provided with all compilers).

// Constructor

// Destructor

// Public Methods

// Protected Methods

Constructs a TaggedObject with a tag given by tag. The tag of a component is some unique means of identifying the component among like components, i.e. the tag of a node would be its unique node number.

Does nothing. Provided so the concrete subclasses destructors will be called.

Returns the tag associated with the object. This function is inlined for performance.

A pure virtual function. The component is to output itself to the output stream s. The integer flag can be used to select just what should be output, by default \(0\) is passed.

Invokes Print(s) on the TaggedObject m.

Sets the tag of the object to be newTag. It is provided so that MovableObjects can set their tag in recvSelf().