
#include \(<\tilde{ }\)/tagged/storage/MapOfTaggedObjects.h\(>\)

class MapOfTaggedObjects

A MapOfTaggedObjects object is used as a container to store and provide access to objects of type TaggedObject. A MapOfTaggedObjects creates a map object to store the pointers to these objects. A map is created using a template provided by the standard template library. The key used to identify the pointers stored in the map object is the TaggedObjects tag. Each MapOfTaggedObject object also contains a MapOfTaggedObjectsIter object to iterate through the objects which have been added.

// Constructor

// Destructor

// Pure Public Methods

Creates the map object and an iter for iterating through the objects that are added to the map.

Does nothing.

Checks to see that max size for the map (which is a built in value defined for the template class) is larger than newSize. Returns \(0\) if successful. If not successful, the warning method is invoked on the global ErrorHandler and \(-1\) is returned.

To add the object newComponent to the container. First checks to see if an element with a similar tag already exists in the map. If not, the pointer to newElement is added to the map using the insert() method. A check is then made to ensure that the object has been added. (This is done as insert() returns no error flag). Returns true if successful. If not successful, the warning method is invoked on the global ErrorHandler and false is returned. Note that the map template does not allow items with duplicate keys to be added.

To remove the component whose tag is given by tag from the container and return a pointer to the object. Invokes find(tag) on the map to first see if the element is there. If it is erase(tag) is invoked on the map to remove the item. \(0\) is returned if the component is not in the map, otherwise a pointer to the component is returned.

Returns the number of components currently stored in the container. This is found by invoking size() on the map object.

To return a pointer to the TaggedObject whose identifier is given by tag. Invokes find(tag) on the map to determine if the component is in the container. If it is a pointer to the component is returned. If it is not in the map \(0\) is returned.

To return an iter for iterating through the objects that have been added to the container. Each MapOfTaggedObjects object has its own iter. This iter() is first reset and a reference to this iter is then returned.

Returns a pointer to a new MapOfTaggedObjects which was created using new(). The new container that is returned is an empty container. If not enough memory is available to create this object the warning method on the global ErrorHandler is invoked and \(0\) is returned. Note that it is the responsibility of the caller to invoke the destructor on the object that is returned.

To remove all objects from the container and to invoke the destructor on these objects. Goes through the container, invoking the destructor on any object in the map. It then invokes clear() on the map object to clear it.

Invokes Print(s,flag) on all objects which have been added to the container.