Elastic Beam Column Element

This command is used to construct an elasticBeamColumn element object. The arguments for the construction of an elastic beam-column element depend on the dimension of the problem, ndm:

For a two-dimensional problem:

element elasticBeamColumn $eleTag $iNode $jNode $A $E $Iz
                          $transfTag <-mass $massDens> <-cMass>

For a three-dimensional problem:

element elasticBeamColumn $eleTag $iNode $jNode $A $E $G $J $Iy
                          $Iz $transfTag <-mass $massDens> <-cMass>
Argument Type Description
$eleTag integer unique element object tag
$iNode $jNode integer end nodes
$A float cross-sectional area of element
$E float Young's Modulus
$G float Shear Modulus
$J float torsional moment of inertia of cross section
$Iz float second moment of area about the local z-axis
$Iy float second moment of area about the local y-axis
$transfTag integer identifier for previously-defined coordinate-transformation object
$massDens float element mass per unit length (optional: default = 0.0)
-cMass string to form consistent mass matrix (optional)


The valid queries to an elastic beam-column element when creating an ElementRecorder object are 'force'.


The following example constructs an elastic element with tag 1 between nodes 2 and 4 with an area of 5.5, E of 100.0 and an Iz of 1e6 which uses the geometric transformation object with a tag of 9

  1. Tcl Code
element elasticBeamColumn 1 2 4 5.5 100.0 1e6 9; 
  1. Python Code
element('elasticBeamColumn',1,2,4,5.5,100.0, 1.0e6, 9)

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