Ground Motion

The groundMotion command is used to construct a GroundMotion object used by the ImposedMotionSP constraints in a MultipleSupportExcitation object. This command is of the following form:

groundMotion $tag $type arg1? ...

The type of GroundMotion created and the additional arguments required depends on the type? provided in the command. The following contain information about type? and the args required for each of the available ground motion types:

Argument Type Description
$tag integer unique tag among ground motions in load pattern
$type string the type of ground motion
$args args specific to the type of motion

There are presently two type of groundMotions that can be created: 1) plainGroundMotion and 2) interpolaatedGroundMotion

Plain Ground Motion

Each GroundMotion object is associated with a number of TimeSeries objects, which define the acceleration, velocity and displacement records for that ground motion. The particular form of the command is as follows:

groundMotion $gmTag Plain <-accel $tsTag> <-vel $tsTag> <-disp $tsTag> <-int (IntegratorType intArgs)> <-fact $cFactor>)


Argument Type Description
$gmTag integer unique tag among ground motions in load pattern
$tsTag integer tag of TimeSeries object created using timeSeries command.
integratorType string string inteagting type of integration (optional
$cFactor float factor to be applied to motions (optional: default=1.0)


The displacements are the ones used in the ImposedMotions to set nodal response.

Any combination of the acceleration, velocity and displacement time-series can be specified.

If only the acceleration TimeSeries is provided, numerical integration will be used to determine the velocities and displacements. If only velocity are provided, numerical integration is used to obtain the displacements.

For earthquake excitations it is important that the user provide the displacement time history, as the one generated using the trapezoidal method will not provide good results.

Interpolated Ground Motion

This command is used to construct an interpolated GroundMotion object, where the motion is determined by combining several previously defined ground motions in the load pattern. The command is as follows:

groundMotion $tag Interpolated $gmTag1 $gmTag2 ... -fact $fact1 $fact2 ...

Argument Type Description
$tag integer unique tag among ground motions in load pattern
$gmTags the tags of existing ground motions in pattern to be used for interpolation.
$factors the interpolation factors.


The following example shows how to construct a Multi-Suppert Excitation pattern with a tag of 1* that will constrain the nodes1*,4, and7* to move in the 1 dof direcection with the ground Motion supplied by the groundMotion with tag 101, whose displacement is given by timeSeries with a tag of 3.

  1. Tcl Code
timeSeries Path 3 -filePath elCentroDisp.dat -dt 0.02
pattern MultipleSupport  1  {
 groundMotion 101 Series -disp 3

 imposedSupportMotion 1 1 101
 imposedSupportMotion 4 1 101
 imposedSupportMotion 7 1 101
  1. Python Code
timeSeries('Path', 3, '-dt', 0.02, '-filePath', 'elCentroDisp.dat')
pattern('MultiSupport', 1)     
groundMotion(101, 'Series', '-disp', 3)

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