Plain Pattern

This command allows the user to construct a LoadPattern object. Each plain load pattern is associated with a TimeSeries object and can contain multiple NodalLoads, ElementalLoads and SP_Constraint objects.

pattern Plain $patternTag $tsTag <-fact $cFactor> {load commands}

Argument Type Description
$patternTag integer unique tag among load patterns
$tsTag integer the tag of the time series to be used in the load pattern
$cFactor float constant factor (optional: default=1.0)

load eleLoad sp


The loads (element, nodal, constraints) in a Plain Load pattern are reference loads. The actual load applied to a node or element is the product of the $cFactor, the reference load, and a load factor. The load factor, which is obtained from the associated timeSeries is a function of the time in the domain and the time series object.


Tcl and Python differ here. In the Tcl interpreter the commands to create loads and constraints come in the squirrelly brackets after the command. In python, any load or constraints defined after a pattern are added to that pattern. This is as shown in following example.


The following example demonstrates how to create a Linear time series, and associate it with a Plain load pattern which contains nodal loads to be applied to nodes 3 and 4 of reference magnitude (0,-50) and (50.0, -100) respectively.

  1. Tcl Code
timeSeries Linear 2
pattern Plain 1 2 {
        load  3   0.0  -50.0  0.0
        load  4   50.0  -100.0 0.0
  1. Python Code
timeSeries("Linear", 2)
pattern("Plain", 1, 2)
load(3, 0.0, -50.0)
load(4, 50.0, -100.0)

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